problems, simulated exam, review lecture

Schedule and problems document updated. A bit of information:

It is time to focus on actual exam problems. Two will be assigned for next week; if you wish to simulate an exam situation, then you should probably try a nonlinear programming problem first, in order to speed yourself up. Suggested approach:

  • Leave unseen until you have three hours.
  • Open it. Work for three hours. Take note how far you got. (Hopefully you will see progress over the next few weeks!)
  • Do the rest.

Then the May 2nd lecture slot (plus one hour) will be used for a simulated exam as well, in auditorium 7.

  • First, note that it has no status. No attendance will be recorded, and it will likely not be assessed either.
  • 1415 to 1715. A couple of you have other teaching from 1615; I will make sure the problem set is available earlier for those who want.
  • An old exam problem set will be assigned.  I will shortly decide on an appropriate one, in case you want to leave it unseen. A "backup set" or two will be available for those who for any reason (e.g., "have already done this") want it.
  • A research assistant will be present. If you have questions that require answers from a teacher, he will contact me in a way similar to how it works during the actual exam.

Also, close to the exam (we will discuss when!) I will arrange a review lecture; those usually focus on the most recent (ordinary) exam, which will be posted in due time. 


Published Apr. 21, 2016 11:10 AM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2016 11:11 AM