
Published Nov. 14, 2008 5:01 PM

Solutions to some exam papers, including 2007, are now out.

Published Nov. 7, 2008 1:04 PM

Old exam problems are found at the department home page under Eksamen and Tidligere eksamensoppgaver (the Norwegian version of the home page).

Published Oct. 13, 2008 1:10 PM

The solution for the first written paper is uploaded.

Published Oct. 7, 2008 11:58 AM

Written paper 2 is now out. Solutions to excersises in chapter 2-7 are also out.

Published Sep. 30, 2008 3:57 PM

We will do SW: Chapter 9 on Monday 6 October, see the updated course plan.

Published Sep. 26, 2008 1:30 PM

The excercises for next week's stata session are E4.1 and E6.3. We will be using the same data sets we used for this week's seminar, namely CPS04 (E4.1) and GROWTH (E6.3).

Published Sep. 19, 2008 1:38 PM

The data for the two empirical excercises for the next week's seminar: E4.4 and E5.1 are uploaded.

Published Sep. 11, 2008 1:53 PM

Answers to empirical exercises in SW ch 5-13 are available as EE5 etc. Text for written papaers, and also data for these are also posted.

Published Sep. 10, 2008 4:47 PM

E 3.1 will be the problem for next week's (week 38) stata session. The data and the description to it are uploaded.

Published Sep. 8, 2008 4:51 PM

The STATA course is cancelled this week (week 37)! There will be STATA in week 38 and week 40.

Published Aug. 28, 2008 4:13 PM

Please read the introduction for the STATA session (Introduction STATA). It begins in week 36. This is the 8th version of the STATA programme, but it is similar to the 9th version which will be used in the class.

Published Aug. 27, 2008 1:10 PM

The seminar starts next week (week 36).