
Published Nov. 18, 2011 1:08 PM

The extra session will be on Monday Dec 12 at 09.15 in room 1047.

Published Nov. 16, 2011 10:48 AM

There seems to be at least some confusion regarding the lecture plan. It has now been updated. The final regular lecture will be this friday Nov 18, the final seminar will be next week, WEDNESDAY Nov 23.

Published Nov. 11, 2011 10:27 AM

As discussed in yesterday's lecture, we will try to find time for an extra session to discuss problems you might have. Please indicate your preferred time in this form

Published Nov. 10, 2011 1:08 PM

Please send requests for what we should focus on in the rewrap-lecture next week by monday Nov 14 to tarjei.havnes(at)

Published Oct. 26, 2011 1:20 PM

Problem set 2 was previously called Written paper 2. You find solutions at the page for the course in 2007.

Published Oct. 14, 2011 9:29 PM

The written papers can be handed in at the reception on the 12th floor.

Published Oct. 12, 2011 11:51 AM

The wednesday seminars in week 46 are moved to week 47 (Nov 23), same room, to allow you some more time for preparation.

Published Oct. 5, 2011 5:34 PM

The lecture Nov 17 is moved to Nov 18 10:15-12:00 in Auditorium 3, due to oral exams.

Published Sep. 30, 2011 6:41 PM

The plan for the seminar has been revised. Two exan sets have been included. Problem set 2 will first be clarified on 5 October if needed, and then discussed on 26 October. The plan for Problem set 2 was confused in the version posted yesterday - sorry.

Published Sep. 29, 2011 5:11 PM

Problem set 2 is now out. Old exam sets are posted. Solutions to most of these are found at the course page for 2010.

Published Sep. 23, 2011 3:59 PM

A propblem concerning The Sprit Level, WP1, is posted.We shall look at this in the seminar next Wednesday.

Published Sep. 1, 2011 2:23 PM

The course is announced with three parallel seminars. In the lecture today two students objected to dropping the Monday seminar - for good reasons. For those of you who intended to go to the Monday seminar, and cannot go to any of the two Wednesday seminars, please drop me an e-mail ( and give your reasons.

Published Aug. 31, 2011 5:00 PM

The web address ( given in the Preface to SW (3. edition)lead me nowhere. The link to Student Resources given in the plan for lectures and seminars works.

Published Aug. 30, 2011 7:04 PM

Velcome to ECON4135! A plan (subject to dynamic revision) for lectures and seminars is posted. In addition there will be a short introductory course to the statistics/econometrics package STATA.