Contact students: please e-mail me, …

  • Contact students: please e-mail me, I may have lost your mail addresses.

  • PDF for next Tuesday available.

  • PDF for last Wednesday updated with that single word (if you have a printout: it is maybe easier to augment that 'multi' into 'multivariate' by hand).

  • It was brought to my attention that the lecture schedule isn't complete as book references goes. I have updated somewhat; I may or may not update it further (what now says “rest of chapter 3”); the reason why not, is that detailed information may be misleading, as the progress of the constrained optimization part is to be adapted-as-we-go between Maths 2 and Maths 3. I suggest that you use the PDFs (which are updated more often) as an indication on how far we intend to go in each lecture.

Published Sep. 7, 2012 1:54 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:24 PM