Messages - Page 2
There will be a change for September 19th: By mistake, one too many nonlinear programming lecture was put up. Content for September 19th TBA.
And one change relevant to the Norwegian book:
Jeg har korrigert gale litteraturreferanser i kapittel 8. Det er ingen endring i det samlede pensum, bare i rekkef?lgen - jeg hadde bommet p? korrespondansen mellom engelsk og norsk. Kopiert fra forrige semester, jeg lurer p? om noen oppdaget det.
... are recycled from last year, but typeset more legibly in the current seminar problems live document. (Updated this morning.)
I think I didn't give Jensen's inequality: look it up.
Now it is - hopefully - correct, except the review lecture at the end which is still TBD. - Nils
Me and the administration managed to mess up the lecture schedule. Stay tuned for updates.
I have posted problems for 1st seminar week and linked to a collection of old exam problems.
There will not be any teaching-free week in this course.
The lecture schedule is updated. However, there will still be changes, and in particular the last lecture should be deleted and the review lecture moved.
First, for administrative purposes:
The schedule for the end of the semester is not completely settled. Can you all check your exam dates (resolving possible time conflicts with other ECON courses will be given priority!) til next lecture?
Then, problems for you, to be covered in lecture:
- I did state that a quasiconcave and homogeneous function is concave provided the index of homogeneity is in (0,1]. Use this to show that ||x|| is convex.
- Use the same result to decide for what parameters the CES function is concave
- As posted yesterday, correct my mistake on the board.
Ouch, yes that definition i photographed was definitely wrong. Exercise for next time: find out how.
Furthermore, as for multinormal distribution I claimed that the norm was convex, forgetting the exponent "2". The claim is correct, but it was not what I should have written.
A couple of more exercises will be posted.
Remember that the first lecture, joint with Math 2, is already on Monday. It will cover (I) "what Math 2 students will learn and Math 3 students should review if they don't know it by heart", (II) practicalities of the course(s), and (III) start on the curriculum.
Mathematics 2 and 3 will be synchronized in order for some Mathematics 2 lectures to offer review for Mathematics 3, and some Mathematics 3 lectures to offer more examples to Mathematics 2.
It is therefore recommended that students of either course make sure they can attend the other.
We will later publish which lectures this applies to – it is necessary to update this in systems the teachers do not have access to.
In addition to the hours given on this and the Mathematics 2 course page, there will be a common Mathematics 2 and Mathematics 3 lecture on the very first Monday 19th of August.