Practicalities - lecture slots lost and hopefully found
As mentioned in class, a few lectures are at blocked times (Sep 16th when I am away, hopefully also the 18th; the job market fair "Karrieredagen" on Tuesday Sep 23rd; and the "faglig-pedagogisk dag" Thursday Oct 30th). The following times might be possible - please yell (e-mail!) if these don't fit.
- For the particular day of Tuesday 23rd, we could have the lecture at 8:15 to 10:00, as Karrieredagen starts at 11 o'clock. Is that OK?
- I have earlier suggested Wednesdays. There are a few near-possible slots: 08:15-10:00 (clashes with a seminar in 4160 and one in 4260 -- is it impossible for anyone?); 14:15-16:00 (impossible from early October, as I start to lecture Maths 2 then); 16:15-18:00 (clashes with one of the seminars in 4200).
- The last option I see is Friday 14:15--16:00. I'd say it is a bit unfortunate to have such short time between lecture and seminar, but maybe it is an option once or twice.
Other options would mean two sessions in a day, which I can only assume will be frowned upon.
Published Sep. 2, 2014 5:48 PM