Contact students and other practicalities

  • Contact students with lightly spamshielded e-mail addresses:
    • Thea van der Hagen, theaovtun [?tt]
    • Helene Vada, helenevada [?tt]
  • I announced that seminars start a week earlier than originally planned; I hope to be done with so much by tomorrow that it makes sense though ...
  • Teaching-free week: as in the schedule, no changes.
  • Consultation hours: I will be in office Wednesdays from 1215 to 14. Feel free to knock on my door at other times though.
    • Those who have other courses then: we'll work out something when needed - or, mail me your unavailable times, and I'll see if it fits consultation hours I will have to announce for Math 2.
Published Jan. 26, 2015 5:43 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2015 5:44 PM