For next seminar (past Easter), and more

Most likely we will interchange seminar and lecture for the week after Easter. That is, lecture Tue/Wed and seminar Friday. Maybe it is not so much use in a seminar the upcoming Monday then? (Not even if I overload you with extra problems you of course will find much more interesting than having an Easter break? Errr ...)

As for seminar problems: First, I have not found a good set of extra problems yet - I will post that, but there is no reason to delay posting the ones for the seminar, which are nearly the same as last year. Second, I forgot completely that I was supposed to use 6-02 (b) as example last Monday; I reassign it for the next seminar, will be covered if needed.

  • 6-02 (b) (as noted above)
  • 6-10
  • The rest of 6-11
  • The rest of 6-12; "damped oscillations" means converges, but oscillates (wobbles back and forth across the point).
  • 6-15
  • Exam 2008 problem 1. You have already done part (c), now do the rest.
  • 7-01
  • 7-02 parts (a) and (b); for (b), recall the following:
    • an equilibrium point is a constant particular solution
    • for local asymptotic stability --> use the linearization. 
Published Mar. 25, 2015 2:41 PM