More review?

Despite next Wednesday not suiting everybody, nobody has expressed demand for a different review time. And nobody did show up at today's consultation hours either.

Nevertheless, here is an offer - subject to interest: I will be available tomorrow afternoon, and it looks like room 1220 is vacant; if people show up (knock my office door 1243), then we take the room and review what you think is needed. Time: 1540 (i.e. right after the Thursday research seminar) - if nobody has shown up until 1600, I'll be leaving.

Also, I will be available next Tuesday afternoon; I put up a similar offer to the Math 2 students 1415-16, so that slot is taken if any of them want it, but 12-14 and from some time after 16, I should be available.

Please e-mail any demand. If there is only one or two persons, I will only use the board in my office.

- Nils

Published May 20, 2015 1:01 PM