Problems + review lecture ++

  • There will be a review lecture (covering the 2015 exam and whatever you feel like), and please note by Thursday the times that do / do not fit your exams. Suggested the week May 30th to June 3rd.
    Maybe we will discuss this on Thursday, maybe on Friday, but it has to be decided on Tuesday. 
  • Problems posted. This time including a full exam set (2014). I suggest you simulate an exam situation: allocate three hours, leave it unseen until then, and see how far you get.
  • I (Nils) have not posted solution notes. However, for most of the seminar problems you can find Espen's solution notes on the 2015 course webpage. (There, the seminar problem assignments were given in the schedule document.)
  • On the 2015 course webpage you will also find Espen's theory summary notes.
Published Apr. 26, 2016 10:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2016 10:52 PM