This and next week (with upload)

There will be changes next week, lecture in place of seminar. I'll partly update the schedule. The rest of this week and the next, day by day:

  • As noted earlier, there is seminar tomorrow Thursday.
  • Friday:
    • First the rest of second-order linear ODE's, and then linear systems in dimension two (meaning even more second-order ODE's, in fact).
    • I have uploaded a handwritten note on complex numbers. If you are in doubt on whether to show up on Friday night (OK, at 16), I suggest you read the front page and then the last three "Applications" pages, and then browse the rest. Maybe you will find out that you already know what you want to know.
  • Next Tuesday will be lecture in place of seminar.
    The reason is that I have done a bit of problems in the lectures, and gotten short on time; and, there will be an extra lecture/seminar at the end, which will be problem-solving, so you will nevertheless get the scheduled number of problem sessions. 
    Some problems will nevertheless be posted.
  • Next Thursday, I (Nils) will finalize differential equation systems. If there is time left, some problems will be covered.
  • Friday the 8th, we will switch lecturer / seminar leader.

The "extra" session is something I usually schedule near the exam. Usual routine: last year's exam.

Published Mar. 30, 2016 6:40 PM