
Published Apr. 30, 2018 3:40 PM

The result of the second attempt is published.

Questions? Contact the Department of Economics.

Published Apr. 10, 2018 1:26 PM

The lecture for tomorrow in ECON4150/3150 is cancelled due to illness. A new lecture has been scheduled for friday, see the schedule for more information.

Published Feb. 20, 2018 10:51 AM

The seminar slides will be posted on Fronter in the room ECON3150/ECON4150 - Fellesrom 2018-v?r ?- Arkiv.

Published Feb. 7, 2018 11:56 AM

The list with exercises that will be discussed during the seminars is now posted on the course website.

Published Jan. 29, 2018 11:06 AM

The assignment and the data set for the compulsory term paper are now posted on the course website.

Published Jan. 29, 2018 11:00 AM

For those who missed the first seminar last week, we have set up an extra seminar tomorrow at 8, see the schedule for stata group 1 for more details

Published Jan. 29, 2018 10:40 AM

Because of illness we have to change the schedule a little this and next week. Tomorrows lecture is cancelled, but on Wednesday the lecture will be held. A lecture has been booked next tuesday in addition. Please note the time and place, the schedule has been updated.

Published Jan. 24, 2018 1:22 PM

The Stata 1 seminar on friday has been moved from 8 to 16 o'clock. See the schedule for more information

Published Jan. 22, 2018 2:44 PM

The lecture for tomorrow in ECON4150/3150 is cancelled due to illness. A new lecture has been scheduled for friday, see the schedule for more information.

Published Jan. 19, 2018 2:43 PM

See deadlines for when the obligatory term paper is handed out and when you have to hand it in on the semester page for ECON4120.

Questions? Contact The Department of Economics.

Published Nov. 27, 2017 1:26 PM

Calculators can be used on some of our ECON-exams. Starting spring 2018 only two different calculator types are authorized for use at the Department of Economics:

It is important that you know whether it is allowed to use a calculator on your exam and which type that is allowed. For more information about resources allowed on your exam, please see “Examination support material” on each course page.

You can buy the calculators at Akademika bookstore at Blindern, or online.