
Published Apr. 8, 2019 8:31 AM

Those who did not get their term paper approved will have a second try and it is the SAME problem set at the first.  

Published Apr. 5, 2019 11:04 AM

A minimum requirement for getting your term paper approved is that you run a regression that includes both gender and other variables that may affect wages as explanatory variables. Think of it; you are asked examine in the data if gender matters for labour market outcomes. Well the first thing you would do then is to check if there is an average differences in wages or income for men and women. The next thing to check is if this difference maybe is explained by male and female having different productivity. To check for that you need to control for other potentially relevant variables in a multivariate regression.

Published Feb. 5, 2019 10:58 AM

The exercises for the first seminar are now posted in the schedule.

The exercise numbers refer to exercises in the updated 3rd edition of Stock and Watson. Note that these exercises differ from the exercises in the old 3rd edition of Stock and Watson.

There is a typo in exercise 2.3; J2w , J2v and J2wv should be Var(W), Var(V) and Cov(W,V).

The data sets for the empirical exercises can be found on the following website:

Published Jan. 3, 2019 3:31 PM

The teaching commences on Monday January 14, 10.15-12:00, in Auditorium 1 in Eilert Sundts Hus. 

Slides for the first lecture will be posted in the lecture module in Canvas on Wednesday 9 January. A brief lecture plan with references to the book has already been posted there.

If you have questions before we start, please send it as an ordinary e-mail (not through Canvas) .

Gaute and Ragnar