Messages - Page 2
Dear all,
I hope you are ready for some more modelling! I have uploaded a zip-file containing all the data sets and batch files we are going to use on Wednesday. In the same folder, you'll find both the slides -- both in presenation and handout format.
Looking forward to seeing you again!
You can download the program to your own laptop. There is a link under Computer Classes.
DIY answers to lecture 2 and lecture 3 slide set have been posted.
to Lecture 1, and slides to Lecture 2 tomorrow, and Lecture note no 2, have all been posted.
Dear econometricians,
I have uploaded a zip file named This file contains the slides for the first CC (also in a "handout-format"), as well as the dataset we shall consider on Wednesday.
Looking forward to seeing you and to get started with some modelling!
A few day back I posted the slides to the first Lecture. They are organised in a Part A and B (to keep length down). A lot of it is reviewing what you know from elementary econoemetrics. So the tempo will have to be fast, but using the likelihood ratio approach of Hendry and Nielsen consistently, which may be new to you. Take care to get hold of that book soon!!!!
Sure as the summer has finally arrived in Oslo, teaching starts next week! A lot of information and material about the first lecture (Thursday 20 Aug) will be posted on the page on Monday. Make sure to check it out.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the econometrics modelling class in August.
For the curious, I have just posted a short note about the general plans for the course. Course material will start to apprear as we approach the start of the term.