Final words

It has been a pleasure working with you during a very hectic autumn semester.

As I said in the last lecture, one good advice for what to review is:Seminar exercises, not forgetting the obligatory assignement, and past exams (all of which are relevant, but I think that you can make a sensible “ordering” in the light what we have been working with).   

Some of you have asked about answer suggestions to the postponed exam in 2016, which is not on the Department's official pages.

I have found an annotated (“kommentert”) version on my system, which is not very “clean”, but which should be of help , for example when it comes to Exercise C (which by the way is inspired by an example in Engle's and Granger's famous Econometrica paper (top notch!) so that you pride yourself at being at very high level here !). 

To save time, I have posted it directly on the semester page (last posting in the Seminars section).


Published Nov. 24, 2017 9:18 AM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2017 9:18 AM