Teaching - time and place

NB! For information about time and place, you must go to the webpage of ECON4235 (common information).


  • Monday 12:15 -14:00,?Auditorium 3?Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka ( 22. August to 21. November)

Aanund Hylland


The seminars begin in week 37

Seminar 1

  • Thursday 10:15 -12:00,?Seminarrom 150?Harriet Holters hus ( 8. September to 24. November)

Jo Thori Lind

Seminar 2

  • Wednesday 08:15 -10:00,?Rom 1247?Eilert Sundts hus, B-blokka ( 7. September to 23. November)

Aanund Hylland

Published June 6, 2005 3:48 PM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2005 4:16 PM