Reading list
Required book:
Hart, O.: Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure., 1995. Clarendon Press. Chapters 2-5, 7-8.
Additional required readings:
References marked with K will be part of a compendium and for sale at Kopiutsalget, Akademika. For other references, a link to the internet is given to find them by looking at Jstor
Becht, M.; Bolton, P.; R?ell, A.: “Corporate Governance and Control”, Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Vol 1A: Corporate Finance , 2003 . Elsevier. Pp. 1-109 K.
Brander, J.A.; Lewis, T.R.: Oligopoly and Financial Structure: The Limited Liability Effect., 1986. American Economic Review . Pp. 956-970. Jstor.
Daniel, K.; Titman, S.: “Financing Investment under Asymmetric Information”, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol 9: Finance, 1995. Elsevier. Pp. 721-766 K.
Hirshleifer, D.: “Managerial Reputation and Corporate Investment Decisions”, Financial Management, Summer 1993. Pp. 145-160 K.
Hirshleifer, D.: “Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategic and Informational Issues”, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol 9: Finance, 1995. (R.A. Jarrow, V. Maksimovic, & W.T. Ziemba, eds.). Pp. 839-885 K.
Jensen, M.C.: Meckling, W.H.: “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs, and Ownership Structure”, Journal of Financial Economics vol 3. , 1976. Pp. 305-360 K.
Scharfstein, D.; Stein, J.: “Herd Behavior and Investment”, American Economic Review vol 80. , 1990. Pp. 465-479. Jstor.
Stein, J.: “Takeover Threats and Managerial Myopia”, Journal of Political Economy vol 96. , 1988. Pp. 61-80 . Jstor.
White, M.J.: “The Corporate Bankruptcy Decision”, Journal of Economic Perspectives vol 3 no 2. , 1989. Pp. 129-152. Jstor.