Pilot experiment

I will conduct a pilot experiment after the last seminars of the course. The whole procedure will take about 40 minutes. All students of ECON4260 are invited to participate. It would be very helpful for me if as many of you as possible participated, and it could give you an insight on how experiments can be run in economics. The experiment is in Norwegian, but you are welcome to the pilot even if your Norwegian is rudimentary only.

Possible dates and times are:

Monday 25/04/ at 14:30

Tuesday 26/04/ at 12:30

You can indicate here whether you would be available at one or both of these times. I will then inform you via email and on the course page at what time the pilot is going to take place. Thanks a lot for your interest!

Anna Pauls

Published Apr. 11, 2016 10:50 AM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2016 1:20 PM