
Published Apr. 24, 2013 10:43 AM

I am so sorry, but am ill again.  Hilde

Published Apr. 16, 2013 3:10 PM

Lecture this day. DV

Published Apr. 10, 2013 9:27 AM

Sorry, my back is playing up so no lecture today, 10 April.


Published Mar. 19, 2013 12:43 PM

I have posted prliminary notes for lecture 8.  Probably, there is too much.  I decided to interrupt lecturing on deserts and responsibilties, and start libertarianism and related topics in order to cach up on the seminars.  Deserts and responsibilities will be resumed after Easter.



Published Mar. 19, 2013 12:43 PM

I have posted prliminary notes for lecture 8.  Probably, there is too much.  I decided to interrupt lecturing on deserts and responsibilties, and start libertarianism and related topics in order to cach up on the seminars.  Deserts and responsibilities will be resumed after Easter.



Published Mar. 14, 2013 2:16 PM

I have been unable to post a reference to experiments on fairness, but have been promised a message as soon as it is available.

For those interested, I have posted a link to The Guardians obituary on Ronald Dworkin, who died 14 February this year.


Published Mar. 12, 2013 4:46 PM

I have posted a revised version of preliminary notes lecture 7. The previous ones were severely amputated!


Published Mar. 12, 2013 4:26 PM

Due to my cancelled lecture, the seminars on 19 March are also cancelled. Revised plan for seminars are posted.


Published Mar. 6, 2013 11:18 AM



Published Mar. 4, 2013 11:28 AM

Apologies again! It seems I have left out Bojer ch 5 in my reading list for lectures on Rawls!

My email address is


Published Feb. 16, 2013 12:23 PM

I have posted the term paper. It can be delivered electronically to me by e-mail, or handed in at the general office, 12th floor.


Published Feb. 13, 2013 10:23 PM

SORRY! The date for the next seminars is 26 February! Not 19, as I mistakenly have written in the plan for seminars. Sorry


Published Jan. 25, 2013 9:57 PM

Please note that seminar papers should be uploaded on Fronter, not e-mailed to Even as I wrote on a previous version of the seminar plan.


Published Jan. 17, 2013 6:21 PM

I gather Akademika does not have Kymlicka in store. You can buy it from for gbp 28. Hilde

Published Jan. 17, 2013 12:02 PM

I have posted plan for the lectures. I am sorry, the plan I showed you in lecture 1 was last year's!!!! The one posted now is the correct one.

About the seminars: Both will be in English. Follow the seminar that suits you, whatever is listed on the studentweb.


Published Jan. 15, 2013 8:44 PM

I shall usually post preliminary lectures notes the Tuesday preceding. But they will also be changed when I work on them Wednesday. Final notes will be posted on Thursday after the lecture.


Published Jan. 15, 2013 12:33 PM

Welcome to the first lecture Wednesday 16.

I have posted the list of articles from Solomon and Murphy (S&M) that are required reading. Please see under Information from Hilde Bojer
