
Published Nov. 27, 2013 9:07 AM
Published Nov. 22, 2013 2:47 PM

Solution to the exam 2012 (sensorveiledning) has been posted, see "Supplements".

Published Nov. 18, 2013 10:01 AM

Asbj?rn R?dseth  lectures Wednesday Novembeer 27 12.15 to 14.00 in Auditorium 7 Eilert Sundts hus

Published Oct. 23, 2013 3:17 PM

 You find them from for all master courses under the heading Manage My Studies on the Department’s net pages. You can also use the link posted today on the ECON4310 semester page under Exercises. All earlier exams may still be useful as exercises.  However, some of the older exams were probably easier for the students then than now. (Those that mention Lucas tree or nominal bonds may be examples).  In 2005 to 2009 there was more emphasis on dynamic programming techniques (value functions,  Bellman equations and Markov chains) and the course included a section on numerical methods for solving models. You may stick to your own preferred techniques when you attack exams from those years and skip Mathlab questions.  AR

Published Sep. 9, 2013 11:08 AM
Published Sep. 2, 2013 11:35 AM
Published Aug. 26, 2013 4:03 PM

Dear students. Problem set for the first seminar has been uploaded.

Seminars will begin in week 37 (i.e. the week starting with September 9). There are 3 seminars. Please ensure that you attend the seminar you have signed up for -- the seminar groups are fairly large, so if you just drop in on other seminars they might become overcrowded.

Published Aug. 23, 2013 5:27 PM

It now lists the chapters from Romer's book that will be part of the curriculum. The list is for the 2012 edition, but earlier editions can still be used. information will be given.

A note on Ramsey and Diamond type models for open economies has been added (the same note as last year). A link will come soon.



Published Aug. 22, 2013 7:30 PM

Slides for the first part of the lecture are now available. A brief supplementary note on  CRRA utility functions used in the lecrure is also available under the heading "Supplement".

The lecture will be related to sections 2.1-2.7 in Romer's book. The last part will cover section 2.7. It may be a good idea at this stage to take a look at Kruger's notes sections 3-5 (see Syllabus for link). An alternative reading is Williamson ch 3, but it adds nothing of importance to the other texts. Anyway, if you have been to the first two lectures, you should be able to follow this one. 

A second set of slides for Monday may be posted Friday beteen 15.00 and 16.00. If so, it will only be a small number.




Published Aug. 21, 2013 11:50 AM

Dear students. Problem set for the first seminar has been uploaded.

Seminars are scheduled to begin in week 37 (i.e. the week starting with September 9). There are 3 seminars. Please ensure that you attend the seminar you have signed up for -- the seminar groups are fairly large, so if you just drop in on other seminars they might become overcrowded.

Published Aug. 15, 2013 5:58 PM

The first lecture is given by Asbj?rn R?dseth. Recommended reading is chapter 1 in Romer's book. You find a link to slides for the lecure on this page. There is also a preliminary plan for the whole series of lectures. Lectures in addition to R?dseth will be Kjetil Storesletten, Tord S. Krogh and Marcus Hagedorn.