I will be at the University of Oslo between 1330 and 1500 on Friday if anyone have any questions they want to pose. I will sit outside Auditorium 3.
You will find the result in Fronter. If your paper is approved you are not going to hand in a new paper.
If your paper is not approved you have gotten an e-mail to your UiO-email at 16. April 2018 with information regarding the second attempt.
Do you have any questions? Please contact the Department of Economics.
On the seminars next week, Even will go through the term paper.
I have uploaded a dynare file for simulating the New-Keynesian model with Taylor rule, optimal policy with discretion, and optimal policy under commitment. I will go through the file on lecture 7 or 8, but there is a guide in the beginning of the file which should be possible to follow.
Unfortunately, there was a mistake in problem set II - question 2. A new version of the problem set has been uploaded together with a solution proposal. I am sorry for the inconvenience and unnecessary extra work.
A new version of lecture 5 has also been uploaded.
Jonas Zdrzalek is the contact student in this class. His email is Thanks Jonas!
Even's train is a little delayed and he may come in a few minutes too late for the seminar today.
See deadlines for when the obligatory term paper is handed out and when you have to hand it in on the semester page.
Great to see so many today at the lecture. The readings for lecture 2 are:
- Note on log-linearization (under resources)
- Chapter 2 in Gali (focus on the household problem)