-seminar 3 solution: Eq 8 (exponent of r)
-seminar 4 solution: Eq just above Eq (6) (minus in front of 1/gamma)
solution to question 3 of problem 1 was missing in the previous version
-on slide 13 I changed the sign of W*' at the bottom
-on slides 17,18 I corrected the derivatives
-contrary to what I said in the lecture, slide 19 (i.e. the reference to "vertical arrows") is actually correct
You will find the result in Fronter.
Do you have any questions? Please contact the Department of Economics.
You will find the result in Fronter. If your paper is approved you are not going to hand in a new paper.
If your paper is not approved you have gotten an e-mail to your UiO-email at 23. March 2018 with information regarding the second attempt.
Do you have any questions? Please contact the Department of Economics.
the reading list in the section syllabus/achievement requirements was adjusted to match the syllabus, i.e. OR 5.4-5.5 is included but OR 6 is not
You do not have to replicate the results which use divided/price ratios or the interest rate differential
See the semesterpage for important information and the term paper.
I have posted a solution proposal for the first seminar. We are going to post quick solutions to the analytics for each seminar and leave the intuition and understanding for the seminars. If we do not have enough time for some problems we will post a more detailed solution.
The problem set for next weeks seminar is now out. Not that we are able to allocate time in the seminars for discussion if you want it. Please let us know in the seminar or by e-mail if you have topics you want to discuss.
See deadlines for when the obligatory term paper is handed out and when you have to hand it in on the semester page.