Syllabus/achievement requirements

J.-P. Danthine and J.B. Donaldson: Intermediate Financial Theory, second edition, 2005. Elsevier Academic Press. chapters 1–8 and sections 1–4 of chapter 10.

J.C. Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, seventh edition, 2008. Pearson Prentice Hall. Chapters 1, 5, and 8–13.

B.G. Malkiel: The efficient market hypothesis and its critics, 2003. Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(1). 59–82 .

R.J. Shiller: From efficient markets theory to behavioral finance, 2003. Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(1). 83–104 .

Published Apr. 23, 2009 12:08 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2009 12:37 PM