Updated syllabus

One article has been removed from the syllabus:

Doyle, J. J., and Samphantharak, K. $2.00 Gas! Studying the effects of a gas tax moratorium, 2008. Journal of Public Economics, 92(3): 869-884.

The following articles have been added to the syllabus:

Dagsvik, J. D. and Str?m, S. Sectoral Labor Supply, Choice Restrictions and Functional Form, 2006. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21, 803-826.

Dahl, G. B., Kost?l, A. R., and Mogstad, M. Family Welfare Cultures, 2014. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129 (4): 1711-1752.

Kleven, H. J. and Schultz, E. Estimating Taxable Income Responses using Danish Tax Reforms, 2014. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(4), 271-301.

Some recommended readings have been added, but these are not mandatory.

See the updated reading list on the semester page.

Questions? Contact the Department of Economics.

Published Sep. 7, 2017 12:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2017 10:08 AM