Syllabus/achievement requirements

Core curriculum

Angrist, J. D. and J. S. Pischke: Mostly harmless econometrics - an empiricists companion, 2009. Princeton University Press*.

Autor, D.: "U.S. Labor Market Challenges over the Longer Term" in October 2010. paper prepared for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors*.

Cahuc, P. and A. Zylberberg: Labor Economics, 2004. The MIT Press, Cambridge Mass*.

* See lecture plan for details on which sections that are included.

Supplementary readings, mostly used as examples in lectures

Ariely, Gneezy, Loewenstein and Mazar (2009) “Large Stakes and Big Mistakes”, Review of Economic Studies

Blanchard (2005) ”European unemployment: the evolution of facts and ideas” Economic Policy 21 (45): 5-59

Bratsberg, B., Raaum, O., R?ed, K., 2010: When minority labor migrants meet the welfare state, Journal of Labor Economics

Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009) Publication Selection bias in Minimum-Wage Research? in British Journal of Industrial Relations 47 (2): 406-428

Freeman, R. B. (2005) What Do Unions Do? The 2004 M-Brane Stringtwister Edition, Journal of Labor Research Vol. XXVI (4)

Frey, B. S. and R. Jegen. 2001. Motivation Crowding Theory in Journal of Economic Surveys, 15(5): 589 – 611

Johansson, P. and M. Palme, 2005. Moral hazard and sickness insurance, Journal of Public Economics, 89, pp. 1879-1890

R?ed, K., Westlie, L., 2010. Unemployment insurance in welfare states: The impacts of soft duration constraints in Journal of the European Economic Association

R?ed, K., Zhang, T., 2003. Does unemployment compensation affect unemployment duration? in The economic journal 113 (484)

Shavell and Weiss. 1979. The optimal Payment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits over Time in The Journal of Political Economy 87 (6), pp. 1347-1362 (introduction and conclusion only)

S. Markussen: A note on optimal unemployment insurance, explaining the argument of Shavell and Weiss (1979)

Markussen, S., Mykletun and K. R?ed. 2010.The Case for Presenteeism, IZA WP 5343

A list of links to the articles above has been made available here

Published Mar. 29, 2012 7:54 AM - Last modified May 14, 2012 12:57 PM