Syllabus/achievement requirements

Reading list

Perman, R., Y.Ma, J.McGilvray and M.Common: Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, 2003. Harlow. ISBN: 0-273-65559-0. Selected Chapters.

Nordhaus, W.D: The Challenge of Global Warming: Economic Models and Environmental Policy, 2007. Selected Chapters. link.

Coase, Ronald H.: The Problem of Social Cost, 1960. Journal of Law and Economics 3, p. 1-44. K.

Heyes, Anthony G.: Making Things Stick: Enforcement and Compliance., 1998. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 14 (4), p. 50-63. K.

Nyborg, K. and M. Rege: Does Public Policy Crowd Out Privae Contributions to Public Goods?, 2003. Public Choice 115 (3) p. 397-418. K.

Denicolo, V.: Pollution-Reducing Innovations under Taxes or Permits, 1999. Oxford Economic Papers 51, pg. 184-99. K.

Golombek, R. and M. Hoel: Global Warming and other Transboundary Environmental Problems, 2005. Fudanpress. in Bjerkholt, O. and Ping, X. (eds): Frontier Environmental Issues.. Link.

Hoel, M.: Environmental taxes in an economy with distorting taxes and distributional concerns, Memorandum No. 04/2008, Department of Economics, University of Oslo. link.

IPCC Working Group III Report : Mitigation of Climate Change - summary for policymakers, link.

NOU 2000:1: A quota System for Greenhouse Gases: A policy instrument for fulfilling Norway's emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, link.

Supplementary reading

Barrett, S.: Climate treaties and "breakthrough" technologies, 2006. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 96 (2), p.22-5. link.

Requate, T. and Unold, W.: Environmental Policy Incentives to Adopt Advanced Abatement Technology: Will the True Ranking Please Stand Up, 2003. European Economic Review 47, p. 125-146. link.

Besley, T. and Ghatak, M.: Retailing Public Goods: The Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility, 2007. Journal of Public Economics 91 (9), p. 1645-1663. link.



Articles marked with K are available in a compendium at Akademika

Published Oct. 22, 2007 7:05 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2015 9:48 AM