You will find some exam tips here
Good Luck. Kalle and Halvor.
The hott topics for friday 6 are debt relief, civil war, political stability, complimentarity between institutions , (and possibly child labor)
We will go through the term paper on friday 13 at 14.15 (i.e. same time and place as usual.)
From the last seminar Narek and Xu fei have made the following document available: On debt sustainability . In addition they suggest that you read EXTERNAL FINANACIAL LIBERALIZATION AND FOREIGN DEBT IN CHINA by James Laurenceson. In addition Torben Kenea and Catharina Vogt has made their paper on Young available. Halvor's small addition on growth rates is available here .
Termpaper: (Not compulsory)
What are the possible effects of a trade reform on the structure of production and the degree of poverty in a dual economy? Under what circumstances, if any, does a trade reform unambiguously improve the living conditions for the entire population? Discuss in the end possible effects on an urban informal sector.
The essay should be no more than 10 double spaced typed pages.
It should be handed in no earlier and no later than at the lecture on April 8.
Also have a look at the hand-out exam tips
Material from the seminar on trade reform in China:Notes on China and trade. Household Welfare Impacts of China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization by Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion
Questions for seminar April 4:
1: Which parts of Allyn Young’s argument are relevant for today’s poor countries? (and which are not?)
2: What is sustainable debt?
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Reading suggestion from student Torben: 10 pages article written by Dasgupta on social and economic development perspective of Ethiopia. It correctly reflects the reality and has points which are essential to the 2. seminar.
Kalle Moene at seminar 2 also suggested and article by Sudhir Anand; Martin Ravallion Human Development in Poor Countries ...
Session 3: 1. Discuss possible implications of the lack of well functioning credit and insurance markets in rural areas. 2. What is the impact of rural urban immigration on rural urban wage gaps? 3. How can we incorporate the dual (rural-urban) structure of developing countries into formal developing models?
References to your information on land reforms: John Weeks (ed): Structural Adjustment and the Agrivultural Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean ,St Martin Press 1995.
The seminars: (1) January 31, 10:15-12, Room 101 Harriet Holters building, (2) February 14, 10:15-12, Room 101 Harriet Holters building, (3) March 3, 12:15-14, Room 150 Harriet Holters Building, (4) March 17, 12:15-14, Room 150 Harriet Holters building, (5) April 4, 8:15-10 Room 101 Harriet Holters Building, and (6) April 18, 8:15-10, Room 101 Harriet Holters building.
See Mehlum and Moene's course material for the seminar questions for session 2.