@ = available online
Backgound readings (for students in both ECON2951 and ECON4951).
Allen, R. C. Global economic history: a very short introduction, 2011. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199596652.
Cameron, R. and Neal, L. A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic times to the present, 2003 (or later). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0195127048
Heilbroner, R. L. The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times And Ideas Of The Great Economic Thinkers, 1999 (or later). London: Penguin. ISBN: 9780140290066, 7th edition (or later).
Milanovic, B. Global Inequality. A New Approach for the Age of Globalization, 2016. Harvard University Press. ISBN: 9780674737136
Specialized readings
Allen, R. C, Bassino, J. P. Ma, D. Moll-Murata, C. and Van Zanden, J. L. Wages, prices, and living standards in China, 1738–1925: in comparison with Europe, Japan, and India, 2011. Economic History Review. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2010.00515.x
N. Voigtlander and H.-J. Voth. Gifts of Mars: Warfare and Europe's early rise to riches. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(4):165{186, 2013a
N. Voigtlander and H.-J. Voth. Malthusian dynamism and the rise of europe: make war, not love. The American Economic Review, 99(2):248{254, 2009
N. Voigtlander and Voth, H. J. The Three Horsemen of Riches: Plague, War, and Urbanization in Early Modern Europe, 2013. The Review of Economic Studies. DOI: 10.1093/restud/rds034.
N. Voigtlander and Voth, H. J. How the West Invented Fertility Restriction, 2013. American Economics Review. DOI: 10.1257/aer.103.6.2227
Clark, G. Why Isn't the Whole World Developed? Lessons from the Cotton Mills, 1987. The Journal of Economic History. DOI: 10.1017/S0022050700047458.
Clark G. Farm Wages and Living Standards in the Industrial Revolution: England,1670–1869, 2001. Economic History Review. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0289.00200.
G. Clark and G. Hamilton. Survival of the richest: the Malthusian mechanism in pre-industrial England. Journal of Economic History, 66(03):707{736, 2006
G. Clark. The condition of the working class in England, 1209{2004. Journal of Political Economy, 113(6):1307{1340, 2005
G. Clark. A review essay on The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History of Britain 1700{1850 by Joel Mokyr. Journal of Economic Literature, 50(1):85{95,2012 pp85{90
Malthus, T. R. An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1998. Electronic Scholary Publishing Project.
Moene, K. and Wallerstein, M. How Social Democracy Worked: Labor-Market Institutions, 1995. Politics & Society, 23(2): 185-211. DOI: 10.1177/0032329295023002003.
R. C. Allen. The industrial revolution in miniature: The spinning jenny in Britain, France, and India. Journal of Economic History, 69(04):901{927, 2009
Sen, A. Mortality as an indicator of economic success and failure, 1998. The Economic Journal, 108(446):1-25, 1998. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0297.00270.
R. Lee. The demographic transition: three centuries of fundamental change. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(4):167{190, 2003
Lucas, R. E Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries?, 1990. The American Economoics Review. 8(2): pp. 92-96.
T. Piketty and E. Saez. The evolution of top incomes: A historical and international perspective. American Economic Review, 96(2):200{205, 200610
T. Piketty and N. Qian. Income inequality and progressive income taxation in China and India, 1986{2015. American Economic Journal: applied economics, 1 (2):53{63, 2009
T. Piketty. Top income shares in the long run: An overview. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(2-3):382-92, 2005
Recommended texts
Landes, D. S. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, 1999. London: Abacus. ISBN 9780349111667
Mokyr, J. The lever of riches: Technological creativity and economic progress, 1992 (or later) Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195074772
Reinert, E. How Rich Countries Got Rich - and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor Paperback, 2008. London: Constable & Robinson, ISBN: 9781845293260
Sandmo, A. Economics Evolving: A History of Economic Thought, 2011 (or later). Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN: 9780691148427