Messages - Page 2
Lecture 4, February 10:Lecture notes LN 4(EB) [revised] and LN 5(EB), both related to Topic 3, are posted on the web. You are recommended to read them before coming to the lecture (EB).
The Lecture 1 reference note on complex numbers has been revised and a section on frequency and period has been added (RNy)
Two notes on seminar exercise Q1 and Q3 posted (RNY)
Lecture 3, February 3: Relevant Lecture notes: LN 2(EB) [revised and extended] and LN3(EB) are posted on the web today (EB).
Lecture 2, January 27, Lecture notes: LN 1(EB) and LN 2(EB) relevant for the discussion of Topic 2 are posted on the web (EB).
Exercise set and data set for the first seminar have been posted (RNY)
If you have a problem with the PcGive installation, contact RNy
We have added a link to a downloadable version of PcGive 13 (part of Oxmetrics 6), which is available for all students at the Department of Economics (RNy)
A set of slides to the first lecture, which covers CH 1 and 2 in Hamilton has now been posted---and a short reference lecture note on complex numbers as well.
Information about the seminars will be posted next week.