Outline for the extreme value theory lecture, March 13
I intend to cover the following topics:
(1) The Poisson distribution as the "law of rare events" (known, cf. TK).
(2) A motivating analogy: The central limit theorem (CLT) for suitably scaled sums X1 + ... + Xn, where {Xi} i.i.d. copies of X
- what distributions for X have the property that a linear combination a1 X1 + an Xn is distributed as cn X + dn (for suitable sequences c, d)?
- these are precisely the limiting distributions for the CLT. For finite-variance distributions: only the Gaussian.
This is *the* reason why the Gaussian shows up "everywhere".
(3) Instead of sum{Xi}, what about maxima Mn = max{X1 + ... + Xn} (suitably scaled)? How are they distributed, asymptotically?
- limit distributions are precisely the same as the ones for which Mn is distributed cn X + dn : Fréchet, Gumbel and Weibull
- all three in unified parametrization: the "generalized extreme value distribution" (GEV).
(4) So scaled Mn → GEV in distribution, but which GEV?
- Power tails (1 - cdf ~ xa) to Fréchet
- Lighter (unbounded) tails to Gumbel
- Bounded tails to Weibull (in terms of transformation to Fréchet).
(5) Other characterizations, and connection to "excess over threshold"
- The generalized Pareto distribution (GPD)
- A few properties.
(6) Bringing it all together:
- For a compound Poisson process of exceedences with GPD distributions, the max is GEV distributed
- In practice: for sufficiently rare events (i.e. sufficiently high thresholds), we have approximate Poisson arrivels of approximate GPD exceedences, and could hope for approximate GEV maxima
- What is "sufficiently high" threshold? Where mean exceedence as function of threshold, is "sufficiently close to" linear.
(7) If time permits: Inference from data.