Lecture plan update

Dear All,


The lecture 13/11 mainly focused on Ch 21.C+D. I encourage you to read particlary 21.D yourself, since I had to rush when talking about single-peakedness.  Let me know if you find the material confusing, so I can clarify on the next lecture.


I will not require other parts of Ch 21 or 22 on the exam.


The next lecture is in Aud 4 (!!), Monday 24/11 10:15-12. I will then discuss bits and pieces from Ch 23 (all sections).


On 27/11, 12:15-14, also in Aud 4, I will discuss problems/solutions. Here are the problems you are encouraged to work on in advance. Let me know which of them you want me to discuss in class (I do not have time for them all):


Ch 21: B3, C2

Ch 23: B2, B4, C5, D2

(from the book)



Published Nov. 14, 2014 9:07 AM