ECON9200 – Advanced Microeconomics

Course content

This course has joint teaching with ECON5200 – Advanced Microeconomics

This is an advanced course in microeconomic theory. The course covers the main topics of microeconomics from consumer and producer behavior, partial and general equilibrium, behavior under uncertainty, game theory and asymmetric information.


  • Preferences, choice and demand.
  • Production.
  • Partial equilibrium.
  • Expected utility.
  • Static games.
  • Dynamic games and beliefs.
  • Market power and product differentiation.
  • Adverse selection, signaling and screening.
  • Principal agent problems.
  • General equilibrium and welfare.
  • Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium.
  • General equilibrium under ucertainty.
  • Intertemporal equilibrium.

Learning outcome

Knowledge outcomes

You will learn the fundamental methods and theories of microeconomics, and be provided with the basic tools and concepts required to understand scientific papers at the research frontier of microeconomic theory. The course cannot bring you to the frontier of all topics within microeconomic theory, but will give you sufficient knowledge to read papers on the frontier and thus be able to acquire knowledge of the frontier of most areas in microeconomics.


The student should be able to read and understand scientific papers representing the research frontier of microeconomic theory.


Students at UiO must apply for courses in StudentWeb.

Please note that the course ECON9200 is offered to PhD candidates at the Department of Economics.  Other candidates admitted to a PhD program may apply to take the course, but must be registered at the University of Oslo. 

Students at the Master's programme must use the code ECON5200.

Overlapping courses

10 credits overlap with ECON5200 – Advanced Microeconomics

For PhD-candidates: 2,5 credits against ECON9210A and 2,5 credits against ECON9210B



See detailed course plan.

Access to teaching

A student who has completed compulsory instruction and coursework and has had these approved, is not entitled to repeat that instruction and coursework. A student who has been admitted to a course, but who has not completed compulsory instruction and coursework or had these approved, is entitled to repeat that instruction and coursework, depending on available capacity.


Students will be evaluated by means of portfolio assessment, based on an assignment that will be given towards the end of the course.

Previous exams - see ECON5200 – Advanced Microeconomics

Submit assignments in Inspera

You submit your assignment in the digital examination system Inspera. Read about how to submit your assignment.

Use of sources and citation

You should familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to the use of sources and citations. If you violate the rules, you may be suspected of cheating/attempted cheating.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals


Ask for an explanation about the grade for postponed exam in this course

Resit an examination

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.

Facts about this course

Every autumn
Every autumn
Teaching language