
Published Feb. 22, 2021 9:31 AM

This PhD minicourse applies dynamic game theory and offers a coherent framework that can be used to analyze environmental problems as well as solutions. We will model countries’ strategic choices of emissions over time, their investments in technology, bargaining and alternative designs of agreements, and free riding and coalition formation. We will also compare policy instruments, such as demand-side and supply-side regulation. Because the problem is dynamic, it is important to think carefully about discounting and time inconsistency. We will end by analyzing the political economics of environmental regulation.

Published Feb. 22, 2021 9:29 AM

1. Dynamic Games:                Fossil Fuel Emission vs. Investments in Technology

2. Negotiations:                       Incomplete Contracts vs. Self-enforcing Agreements

3. Coalitions:                           Free Riding vs. Participation

4. Instruments:                        Demand-side vs. Supply-side Regulation

5. Discounting:                        Lon...

Published Feb. 22, 2021 9:25 AM

The lectures will be taught and recorded at the University of Oslo, but it will run on Zoom and be available also for external students, whether they would like to follow online or in person. There will be six lectures (14h) and a take-home exam or term paper for those who want credit for the class.