Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
20.01.2004 | Geir Overskeid? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Hva er sosialpsykologi?? | Module 1: Doing Social Psychology (Myers) Module 2: Did you know it all along? (Myers) Chapter 1: Research and Ethics in Psychology (Pines & Maslach)Forelesningsnotater ? |
22.01.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Holdninger ? | Module 9: Behavior and Belief (Myers) Module 15: Two Routes to Persuasion (Myers) Module 16: Indoctrination and Inoculation (Myers) Chapter 2: Attitudes and Behavior (Pines & Maslach. ? |
27.01.2004 | Geir Overskeid? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Sosial kognisjon? | Module 6: The Fundamental Attribution Error (Myers) Module 7: The Powers and Perils of Intuition (Myers)Module 8: Reasons for unreasons (Myers)Chapter 3: Social Cognition (Pines & Maslach) Forelesningsnotater ? |
29.01.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Selvet? | Module 3: Self-Concept: Who am I? (Myers) Module 4: Self-Serving Bias (Myers) Module 5: The Power of Positive Thinking (Myers) Chapter 4: The Self and Others (Pines & Maslach. ? |
03.02.2004 | Geir Overskeid? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Kj?nn, gener og kultur? | Module 12: Human Nature and Cultural Diversity (Myers) Module 13: Gender, Genes and Culture (Myers) Chapter 5: Gender Roles (Pines & Maslach) Chapter 8: The Social and Cultural Environment (Pines & Maslach)) Forelesningsnotater ? |
05.02.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Ingen forelesning denne dagen. Forelesningen er flyttet til den 16.3? | ? | ? |
10.02.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Gruppeprosesser? | Module 17: The Mere Presence of Others (Myers) Module 18: Many Hands Make Diminished Responsibility (Myers) Module 20: How Groups Intensify Decisions (Myers) Chapter 7: Group Processes (Pines & Maslach). ? |
12.02.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Fordommer og diskriminering? | Module 22: The Dislike of Diversity (Myers) Module 23: The Roots of Prejudice (Myers) Chapter 9: Prejudice and Discrimination (Pines & Maslach). ? |
17.02.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Aggresjon ? | Module 24: The Nature and Nurture of Aggression (Myers) Module 25: Do the Media Influence Social Behavior? (Myers) Chapter 10: Aggression and Violence (Pines & Maslach). ? |
19.02.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Interpersonlig tiltrekning og n?re relasjoner ? | Module 26: Who Likes Whom? (Myers) Module 27: The Ups and Downs of Love (Myers) Chapter 11: Affiliation, Attraction, and Love (Pines & Maslach). ? |
24.02.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Hjelpsomhet? | Module 30: When do People Help? (Myers) Chapter 12: Altruism and Prosocial Behavior (Pines & Maslach). ? |
02.03.2004 | Geir Overskeid? | Chateau Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Anvendt sosialpsykologi? | Module 10: Clinical Intuition (Myers) Module 11: Clinical Therapy: The Powers of Social Cognition (Myers) Module 31: The Social Psychology of Sustainability (Myers) Chapter 13: Applications of Social Psychology (Pines & Maslach). ? |
16.03.2004 | Ingela Lundin Kvalem? | Chateu Neuf, kl 1015-12? | Sosial p?virkning? | Module 14: How Nice People Get Corrupted (Myers) Module 21: Power to the Person (Myers) Chapter 6: Conformity (Pines & Maslach). ? |
Publisert 27. okt. 2003 16:38
- Sist endret 15. juni 2004 16:57