Teaching - time and place

Skriveseminar 1

Seminar 1 should be chosen by students who have plans of writing a quantitative thesis / Skriveseminar 1 skal velges av studenter som har et kvantitativt opplegg p? sin masteroppgave.

  • Monday?7 December 10:15 -12:00,?Auditorium 1?Harald Schjelderups hus

Skriveseminar 2

Seminar 2 should be chosen by students who have plans of writing a qualitative thesis/ Skriveseminar 2 skal velges av studenter som har et kvalitativt opplegg p? sin masteroppgave.

  • Monday?14 December 10:15 -12:00,?Auditorium 1?Harald Schjelderups hus

Published May 18, 2009 1:00 PM - Last modified June 16, 2009 1:00 PM