
Pensum - tekster som er tilgjengelige via Fronter

  • About, I. (2012). Underclass gypsies: An historical approach on categorisation and exclusion in France in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I M. Stewart (red.), The Gypsy ‘Menace’: Populism and the New Anti-Gypsy Politics (ss. 95-114). London: C. Hurst & Co.
  • Buss, D. & Schmitt, D. (2011). Evolutionary psychology and feminism. Sex Roles, 64(9-10), 768-787.
  • Eagly, A. H. (1995). The science and politics of comparing women and men. American Psychologist, 50, 145-158.
  • Gauntlett, D. (2008). Introduction. I D. Gauntlett, Media, gender and identity (2. utg.) (ss. 1-18). London: Routledge.
  • Giddens, A. (1991). Introduction. I A. Giddens, Modernity and self-identity (ss. 1-9). Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Greenfield, P. M. (2013). The changing psychology of culture from 1800 through 2000. Psychological Science, 24(9), 1722-1731.
  • Gulbrandsen, Liv Mette (2008). Utforskende samtaler med unge mennesker og foreldrene deres. I B. P. B?e & B. R. Olsen (red.), Utfordrende foreldreskap (ss. 243-267). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Gulbrandsen, Liv Mette (2012). Being a child, coming of age. Exploring processes of growing up. I M. Hedegaard, K. Aronsson, C. H?jholt & O.S. Ulvik (red.), Children, childhood and everyday life. Children’s perspectives (ss. 3-18). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Hammack, P. L. (2008). Narrative and the cultural psychology of identity. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 12, 222-247.
  • Harré, N. (2011). Psychology for a Better World: Strategies to Inspire Sustainability. Nedlastet den 7. august 2014 fra
  • Hedlund-de Witt, A. (2011). The rising culture and worldview of contemporary spirituality: A sociological study of potentials and pitfalls for sustainable development. Ecological Economics, 70(6), 1057-1065.
  • H?ijer, B. (2011). Social representations theory a new theory for media research. Nordicom Review, 32(2), 3-16.
  • H?jholt, Charlotte (2012). Communities of children and learning in school. I M. Hedegaard, K. Aronsson, C. H?jholt & O.S. Ulvik (red.), Children, childhood and everyday life. Children’s perspectives (ss. 199-215). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Johannisson, K. (2007). Sykdommens hjeml?shet og diagnosens makt. I G. Engelsrud og K. Heggen (red.), Humanistisk sykdomsl?re. Tanker om helse og velv?re, sykdom og diagnose (ss. 15-24). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • J?rgensen, C. R. (2008). Inledning og Hvad er identitet? I C. R. J?rgensen, Identitet: Psykologiske og kulturanalytiske perspektiver (ss. 11-79). K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Lucassen, L. (1998). 'Harmful tramps': Police professionalization and gypsies in Germany, 1700-1945. I L. Lucassen, W. Willems &  A. Cottaar (red.), Gypsies and other itinerant groups. A Socio-Historical Approach (ss. 74-93). Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Magnusson, E. (2008). The rhetoric of inequality: Nordic women and men argue against sharing house-work. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 16(2), 79-95.
  • Marecek, J. (2001). After the facts: Psychology and the study of gender. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 42(4), 254-267.
  • Martín-Baró, I. (1994). The role of the psychologist. I A. Aron & S. Corne (red.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology (ss. 33-46). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Madsen, O. J. (2012a). Hvorfor trenger vi en kritisk psykologi? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 49(8), 741-745.
  • Madsen, O. J. (2012b, 2. august). Ukritiske psykologer. Morgenbladet, (30), s. 19.
  • Madsen, O. J. (2013a). Doing critical psychology in a state of affluence. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, (10), 756-764.
  • Madsen, O. J. (2013b). Parenthood in Norway: between politics and science. I Malin Ah-King (red.), Challenging Popular Myths of Sex, Gender and Biology (ss. 89-100). New York: Springer.
  • Madsen, O. J. & Brinkmann, S. (2012). Lost in paradise: Paradise Hotel and the showcase of shamelessness. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, 12, 459-467.
  • Madsen, O. J. & Ytre-Arne, B. (2012). Me at my best. Therapeutic ideals in Norwegian women's magazines. Communication, Culture and Critique, 5(1), 20-37.
  • Phoneix, A. (2011). Somali young women and hierarchies of belonging. Young, 19(3), 313-331.
  • Prilleltensky, I (1989). Psychology and the status quo. American Psychologist, 44(5), 795-802.
  • Rosvoll, M. (2013). Antisiganisme. Materialisten, (1-2), 7-39.
  • Shweder, R. (1990). Cultural psychology: What is it? I J. Stigler, R. Shweder, & G. Herdt (red.), Cultural psychology: The Chicago symposia on culture and human development (ss. 1-43). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Singh, I. (2013). Brain talk: power and negotiation in children’s discourse about self, brain and behaviour. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(6), 813-827.
  • Stoknes, P. E. (1997). Noen stier inn i sjelens landskap, Den gr?nne b?lge – plantesjelen i det moderne og Fornuft, idé og handling. I P. E. Stoknes, Sjelens landskap (ss. 1-57). Oslo: Cappelen
  • Timimi, S. (2002). The case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I S. Timimi, Pathological child psychiatry and the medicalization of childhood (ss. 85-124). New York: Brunner-Routledge.
  • Van Hear, N. (2010). Theories of migration and social change, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), 1531-1536.
  • Wernesj?, U. (2012). Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children: Whose perspective?, Childhood, 19(4), 495-507.
Published May 23, 2014 12:20 PM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2014 3:32 PM