Books for this course:
Mason, J. (2002). Qualitative researching. London: Sage.
Sternberg, R. J., & Sternberg, K. (2010). The Psychologist's Companion: A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Students and Researchers. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Recommended book-chapters for this course:
Silverman, D. (2005). Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook. London Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Chapter 12: Developing data analysis, pp. 171-187.
Barter, C., & Renold, E. (2000). 'I wanna tell you a story': exploring the application of vignettes in qualitative research with children and young people. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 3(4), 307-323.
Cummins, G. (2014). The New Statistics: Why and How. Psychological Science, 25(1), 7-29.
Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Qualitative Research in Multicultural Psychology: Philosophical Underpinnings, Popular Approaches, and Ethical Considerations. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(4), 581-589
Weekly reading:
23.01 |
Sternberg, R. J., & Sternberg, K. (2010). Read Chapter 4 and 5 Barter, C., & Renold, E. (2000). Your choice: Find and read a methodological article or chapter that could help you plan your Masters research. |
09.02 |
Cummins, G. (2014). Your choice: Find and read a methodological article or chapter that could help you plan your Masters research. |
16.02 |
Mason, J. (2002). Qualitative researching. Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Silverman, D. (2005). Chapter 12: Developing data analysis, pp. 171-187. Your choice: Find and read an article that reports a qualitative/quantitative research project. Focus on the way the author uses data and reports on the data analysis. |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录setiske komiteer. (2006). Guidelines for research ethics in the social sciences, law and the humanities. |
Further Relevant Readings
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics , 6th ed. Boston :Pearson.
Applied Multiple Regression/correlation analyses for the behavioural science
Shevlin, M., & Miles, J. Applying Regression and Correlation,
Epidemiological methods in life course research, Pickles, Maughan and Wadsworth
Bazeley, P. (2013). Qualitative data analysis: Practical strategies. London: Sage.
Haavind, H. (2000). Kj?nn og fortolkende metode: metodiske muligheter i kvalitativ forskning. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. New York: Guilford.
Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2011). Interview: introduktion til et h?ndv?rk. K?benhavn: Hans Reitzel.
Marks, D. F., & Yardley, L. (2004). Research methods for clinical and health psychology. London: Sage Publications.
Miles, M. B. and M. Huberman, A. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. London, Sage Publications.
Potter, J., & Wetherell, M. (1987). Discourse and social psychology. London: Sage Publications.
Ritchie, J. and J. Lewis (2003). Qualitative research practice. London, SAGE.
Strauss, A. and J. Corbin, Eds. (1997). Grounded theory in practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Willig, C. (2001). Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology: Adventures in theory and method. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Additional articles and Chapters
Cotterill, P. (1992). "Interviewing women: Issues of friendship, vulnerability, and power." Women's Studies International Forum, 15(5/6), 593-606.
Cronbach, L. J. (2004). My current thoughts on coefficient alpha and procedures. Educational
and psychological measurement, 64, 391-418.
Finlay, L. (2002). "Outing" the researcher: The provenance, process, and practice of reflexivity. Qualitative Health Research, 12(4), 531-545.
Gough, B., & Madill, A. (2007). Diversity and Subjectivity within Qualitative Psychology. Real Life Methods Working Paper.
Hayes, A. F. (2006). A Primer on Multilevel Modeling. Human Communication Research, 32, 385–410.
Hyde, A., Howlett, E., Brady, D., & Drennan, J. (2005). The focus group method: Insights
from focus group interviews on sexual health with adolescents. Social Science and
Medicine, 16(12), 2588-2599. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.04.040
Kitzinger, C., & Wilkinson, S. (1997). "Validating women's experience? Dilemmas in feminist research." Feminism and Psychology, 7(4), 566-574.
Levine, T. R., & Hullett, C. R. (2002). Eta squared, Partial eta Squared and misreporting of
effect size in communication research. Human Communication Research, 28, 612-625.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2958.2002.tb00828.x
Messick, S. (1995). Validity of psychological assessment. American Psychologist, 50, 741-
Pope, C., & Mays, N. (1995). Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative methods in health and health services research. British Medical Journal, 311, 42-45.
Smith, LT. (1999). Responding to the imperatives of an indigenous agenda: a case study of Maori. In Decolonizing Methodologies: research and indigenous peoples, pp.163-182.
Stringer, E. (1996). Principles of community-based action research. In Action Research, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage, 15-38.
Westfall, J., Kenny, D.A., & Judd, C.M. (2014). Statistical power and optimal design in experiments in which samples of participants respond to samples of stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(5), 2020-2045. doi: 10.1037/xge0000014
Wetherell, M., S. Taylor, et al., (Eds.) (2001). Discourse as Data: A guide for analysis. London: Sage Publications.