
John P.J. Pinel og Maggie Edwards: A Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain: A Brain and Psychology Coloring Book (2008) ca 150 sider

Breedlove, S. Mark; Watson, Neil V; Rosenzweig, Mark R.: Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (7. utg), 2013. Sinauer Associates Inc. ca 450 sider.

Kompendium i PSYC2201. Inneholder:


  • Darwin in mind Forfattere: Ricardson, Robert; Laland, Kevin N; Bolhuis, Johan; Brown, Gillian R Verk: PLoS Biology 9 (7) 2011 Utgiver: Public Library of Science 8 sider



  •  Four Fallacies of Pop Evolutionary Psychology Forfatter: Buller, David J. Verk: Scientific American (300) 2009 Utgiver: Nature Publishing Group 8 sider



  • Utdrag fra Behavioral Genetics Forfattere: PLomin, Robert; DeFries, John C.; McClearn, Gerald E.;McGuffin, Peter Utgiver: Worth Publishers 80 sider



  • Psychopharmacology kap. 5-7 Forfattere: Meyer, Jerrold S.; Quenzer, Linda F. Verk: Psychopharmacology, 2006 Utgiver: Sinauer Associates Inc. 64 sider



  • Cellebiologi notater


Totalt 750 sider

Publisert 24. mai 2013 11:28