
Alt pensum finnes i kompendium som kan kj?pes p? Akademika


Bushmann, B.J & Anderson, C.A: Media Violence and the American Public. Scientific Facts Versus Media Misinformation, 2001. American Psychologist; June/July, 477-489. (12s).

Bandura A. : Human Agency in Social Cognitive Theory, 1989. American Psychologist, September, 1175-1184. (9s).

Brosschot, J.F: Cognitive-emotional sensitization and somatic health complaints. , 2002. Scand.J.Psychology; 43, 113-121 .

Domjan, M.: Pavlovian Conditioning: A Functional Perspective, 2005. Ann.Rev.Psychol. 56: 179-206. (7s).

Drummond, D.C. : Conceptulazing Addiction. Theories of drug craving, ancient and modern., 2001. Addiction; 96, 33-46. (13s).

Henkel, V. Bussfeld, P, M?ller, H-J & Hegerl, U. : Cognitive-behavioural theories of helplessness/hopelessness: Valid models of depression? , 2002. Eur.Arch.Psychiatry Clin.Neurosci; 252, 240-249. . (9s).

Mineka, S. & Zinbarg, R. : Contemporary Learning Theory Perspective in the Etiology of Anxiety Disorders. It’s Not What You Thought It Was. , 2006. American Psychologist; January, 10-26. . (16 sider).

Atferdsbaserte behandlingssystemer

Apeland, A.: Parent Management Training – Oregon-modellen: Allianse og 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录, 2005. Tidsskr.N.Psykologforening; 42, 611-621 . (10s).

? Nordal, T., S?rli, A.M, Mager,T. & Tveit A. : Atferdsproblemer blant barn og unge.Kap. 9: ’Oppmuntrende og korrigerende strategier’ og 10: ’Tiltak ved utagering og vold’, s. 237-267 , 2005. Fagbokforlaget. (30 sider).

? Solholm, R., Askeland, E., Christiansen, T. & Duckert, M. : Parent Management Training – Oregon-modellen. Teori, behandlingsprogram og implementering I Norge, 2005. Tidsskr.N.Psykologforening; 42, 587-597. (10s).


Adler, R.B. & Rodman, G. : Understanding Human Communication, Kap. 3: s.70-109 og 5. S. 148-181 , 2004. Oxford University Press, Oxford.. (72s).

Cooper, M.: Essential Research Findings in Counselling ad Psychotherapy, . Kap. 6:’ Relational Factors: It’s the Relationship that heals… or is it?’ s.98-126 , 2008. Sage, London. (28s).

Manning, P : Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology, Kap.3-4, s. 56-93 , 2007. Polity Press, Cambridge. (37s).

? Sommers-Flanagan, R. & Sommers-Flanagan J. : Clinical Interviewing, Kap. 3: ‘Basic Attending, Listening and Action Skills’ og Kap.4: ‘Directives: Question and Action Skills’, s. 53-111 og kap. 14: ‘Interviewing in a Diverse and Multicultural World’, s. 401-430 , 2009. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. (87s).

Publisert 9. apr. 2010 10:06