

Sosialkognitive modeller, selvregulering, implementeringsintensjoner, ?kologisk perspektiv p? helsefremming, utvikling av intervensjoner:

@ Ajzen, I. (2015): The theory of planned behaviour is alive and well, and not ready to retire: a commentary on Sniehotta, Presseau and Araújo-Soares, Health Psychology Review, 9, 131-137. (6 s.). doi: 10.1080/17437199.2014.883474

@ Armitage, C. J. (2014): Time to retire the theory of planned behaviour? A commentary on Sniehotta, Presseau and Araújo-Soares, Health Psychology Review, 8, 151-155. (4 s.). doi:10.1080/17437199.2014.892148

Conner, M. & Norman, P. (2015). Predicting and changing health behaviour (3. utg.). Berkshire, England: Open University Press. 

@ Hagger, M. S. & Luszczynska, A. (2014). Implementation intention and action planning interventions in health contexts: State of the research and proposals for the way forward. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 6, 1-47. (36 s.)

@ Hagger, M.S., Wood, C., Stiff, C. & Chatzisarantis, N.L.D. (2009). The strenght model of self-regulation failure and health-related behaviour. Health Psychology Review, 3, 208-238 (20 s.)

@ Hall, P. A. (2015) Re-establishing momentum in theory development: a commentary on Sniehotta, Presseau and Araújo-Soares. Health Psychology Review, 9, 172-175 (3 s.). doi:10.1080/17437199.2014.896080

@ James, E., Freund, M., Booth, A., Duncan, M. J., Johnson, N. et al. (2016). Comparative efficacy of simultaneous versus sequential multiple health behavior change interventions among adults: A systematic review of randomised trials. Preventive Medicine, 89, 211-233.

@ Knittle, K., Nurmi, J., Crutzen, R., Hankonen, N., Beattie, M. & Dombrowski, S. U. (2018): How can interventions increase motivation for physical activity? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review, 1-20, doi:10.1080/17437199.2018.1435299

Kraft, P. (2014). Selvregulering; om endring av atferd og vaner i det moderne samfunnet. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

@ Sniehotta, F. F., Presseau, J. & Araujo-Soares (2014). Time to retire the theory of planned behaviour. Health Psychology Review, 8:1, 1-7. (5 s.) doi:10.1080/17437199.2013.869710 

@ Sniehotta, F. F. Justin Presseau & Vera Araujo-Soares (2015). On the development, evaluation and evolution of behavioural theory, Health Psychology Review, 9, 176-189 (11 s.). doi:10.1080/17437199.2015.1022902

@ Stautz, K., Zupan, Z., Field, M. & Marteau, T. (2018). Does self-control modify the impact of interventions to change alcohol, tobacco, and food consumption? A systematic review. Health Psychology Review, 12, 157-178. doi: 10.1080/17437199.2017.1421477

@ Wold, B. & Samdal, O. (2012). An ecological perspective on health promotion, systems, settings and social processes. kap. 1 + 3 + 6 + 8 +10. (gratis nedlasting av hele boka)


Anvendt sosialpsykologi, implementering av intervensjoner, mediering av effekter og programs effektivitet:

@ Berkel, C., Mauricio, A. M., Schoenfelder, E. & Sandler, I. N. (2011). Putting the pieces together: an integrated model of program implementation. Prevention Science, 12, 23-33. doi: 23-33.doi:10.1007/s11121-010-0186-1  (10 s.)

@ Durlak, J. A. (2016). Programme implementation in social and emotional learning: basic issues and research findings, Cambridge Journal of Education, 46:3, 333-345, DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2016.1142504

@ Durlak, J. A. & DuPre, E. P. (2008). Implementation matters: a review of research on the influence of implementation on program outcomes and the factors affecting implementation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 41, 327-350 (18 s.). doi:10.1007/s10464-008-9165-0

@ Ebert, D. D., Van Daele, T., Nordgreen, T., Karekla, M., Compare, A., Zarbo, C., . . . Baumeister, H. (2018). Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions: Applications, efficacy, and potential for improving mental health: A report of the EFPA E-Health Taskforce. European Psychologist, 23(2), 167-187. doi:10.1027/1016-9040/a000318

@ Michie, S., West, R., Sheals, K. & Godinho, C. A. (2018). Evaluating the effectiveness of behavior change techniques in health-related behavior: a scoping review of methods used. TBM Systematic Review, 8, 212-224. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibx019

@ Rathbone, A.L, & Prescott, J. (2017). The use of mobile apps and SMS messaging as physical and mental health interventions: Systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(8), e295. doi:10.2196/jmir.7740

@ Rose, T., Barker, M., Maria Jacob, C., Morrison, L., Lawrence, W., Str?mmer, S., . . . Baird, J. (2017). A systematic review of digital interventions for improving the diet and physical activity behaviors of adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(6), 669-677. doi:

@ Sheeran, P. Klein, W.M.P. & Rothman, A. J. (2017). Health behavior change: Moving from observation to intervention. Annual Review of Psychology, 68, 573-600. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-010416-044007

@ Ten Hoor, G. A., Kok, G., Rutten, G. M., Ruiter, R. A. C., Kremers, S. P. J., Schols, A. M. J. W. & Plasqui, G. (2016). The Dutch ‘focus on strength’ intervention study protocol: programme design and production, implementation and evaluation plan. BioMed Central Public Health, 16, 1-13 (11 s.). doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3150-6

@ Quested, E., Ntoumanis, N., Th?gersen-Ntoumani, C., Hagger M. S. & Hancox, J. E. (2017). Evaluating quality of implementation in physical activity interventions based on theories of motivation: current challenges and future directions. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10:1, 252-269, DOI: 10.1080/1750984X.2016.1217342


Forebygging og helsefremming relatert til r?yking, rusmiddelbruk, fysisk inaktivitet, spise- og overvektsproblemer, og arbeidsbelastninger:

@ Arno, A. & Thomas, S. (2016). The efficacy of nudge theory strategies in influencing adult dietary behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BioMed Central Public Health, 16, 676-687 (10 s.) doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3272-x

@ Bauman, A. Merom, D., Bull, F. C., Buchner, D. M. & Singh, M. A. F. (2016). Updating the evidence of  physical activity: Summative reviews of the epidemiological evidence, prevalence, and interventions to promote “active aging”. The Gerontologist, 56, Issue suplement 2, s268-s280.

@ Biddle, S. J., Petrolini, I., & Pearson, N. (2014). Interventions designed to reduce sedentary behaviours in young people: a review of reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(3), 182-186. (4 s.) doi:10.1136/bjsports-2013-093078 

@ Botvin, G. J. & Griffin, K. W. (2004). Life Skills Training: Empirical findings and future directions. Journal of Primary Prevention, 25, 211-232. (19 s.). doi:10.1023/B:JOPP.0000042391.58573.5b 

@Casazza, K. et al. (2013). Myths, presumptions, and facts about obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine, 368, 446-454. DOI:10.1056/NEJMsa1208051

@ Dalum, P., Schaalma, H. & Kok, G. (2012). The development of an adolescent smoking cessation intervention – an intervention mapping approach to planning. Health Education Research, 27, 172-181. (9 s.) doi: 10.1093/her/cyr044

@ Fleig, L., Kerschreiter, R., Schwarzer, R., Pomp, S. & Lippke, S. (2014). Sticking to a healthy diet is easier for me when I exercise regularly: Cognitive transfer between physical exercise and healthy nutrition. Psychology & Health, 29, 1361-137. (11 s.) doi: 10.1080/08870446.2014.930146

@ Hagger, M. S., Lonsdale, A., Koka, A., Hein, V., Pasi, H., Lintunen, T. & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2012). An intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in undergraduate students using implementation intentions and mental simulations: a cross-national study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19, 82-96 (13 s.). doi: 10.1007/s12529-011-9163-8

@ Hagger, M. S., Lonsdale, A. & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2012). A theory-based intervention to reduce alcohol drinking in excess of guideline limits among undergraduate students. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 18-43. (19 s.) doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8287.2010.02011.x 

@ Henderson, M., Harvey, S. B., ?verland, S., Mykletun, A. & Hotopf, M. (2011). Work and common psychiatric disorders. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 104, 198-207. (8 s.) doi: 10.1258/jrsm.2011.100231 

@ J?sendal, O., Aar?, L. E., Torsheim, T. & Rasbach, J. (2005). Evaluation of the school-based smoking-prevention program “BE smokeFREE”. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 46, 189-199. (10 s.) doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2005.00448.x 

@ Kuntsche, E., Rossow, I., Engels, R. & Kuntsche, S. (2015). Is ‘age at first drink’ a useful concept in alcohol research and prevention? We doubt that. Addiction, 111, 957-965. doi:10.1111/add.12980 (5 s)

@ Lagerveld, S. E., Blonk, R. W., Brenninkmeijer, V., Wijngaards-de Meij, L. & Schaufeli, W. B. (2012). Work-focused treatment of common mental disorders and return to work: a comparative outcome study. Journal  of  Occupational Health Psychology, 17, 220-234. doi:10.1037/a0027049 (14 s.)

@ Larsen, J. K., Hermans, R. C. J., Sleddens, E. F. C., Vink, J. M., Kremers, S. P. J., Ruiter, E. L. M. & Fisher, J. O. (2018). How to bridge the intention-behavior gap in food parenting: Automatic constructs and underlying techniques. Appetite, 123, 191-200.

@ Reme, S.E., Grasdal, A.L., L?vvik, C., Lie, S. A., & ?verland, S. (2015). Work-focused cognitive–behavioural therapy and individual job support to increase work participation in common mental disorders: a randomised controlled multicentre trial. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 72(10), 745-752. doi:10.1136/oemed-2014-102700 (7 s.)

@ Rhodes, R. E., Janssen, I., Bredin, S., Warburton, D. & Bauman, A. (2017) Physical activity: health impact, prevalence, correlates and interventions, Psychology & Health, 8, 942-975. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2017.1325486

@ Scott-Sheldon, L. A. J., Terry, D. L., Carey, K. B., Garey, L. & Carey, M. P. (2012). Efficacy of expectancy challenge interventions to reduce college student drinking:  A meta-analytic review. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26, 393-405. (11 s.) doi: 10.1037/a0027565 -

@ Stice, E., Becker, C. B., & Yokum, S. (2013). Eating disorder prevention: current evidence-base and future directions. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46, 478-485. (7s.) doi:10.1002/eat.22105

@ Tsuboya, T., Tsutsumi, A. & Kawachi, I. (2015). Change in psychological distress following change in workplace social capital: results from the panel surveys of the J-HOPE study. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 72, 188-194. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102427

@ Vlaev, I., King, D. Dolan, P. & Darzi, A. (2016). Theroy and practice of "nudging": Changing health behaviors. Public Administration Review, 76, 550-561. (9 s.) doi:10.1111/puar.12564

@ Wilfley D. E., Vannucci, A. & White, E. K. (2010). Early intervention of eating- and weight related problems. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 17, 285 – 300. (12 s.) doi:10.1007/s10880-010-9209-0 


Sosial p?virkning, konformitet, sosialt tilh?righetsbehov, holdningsendring og fordomsreduksjon:

@ Baumeister, R. F. & Brewer, L. E., Tice, D. M. & Twenge, J. M. (2007). Thwarting the need to belong: Understanding the interpersonal and inner effects of social exclusion. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1, 506-520. (13 s.)  doi: 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2007.00020.x  Lastes ned fra: - skriv  din e-postadresse og velg denne artikkelen fra listen s? sendes pdf-filen til deg

@ Dovidio, J. F., Gaertner, S. L. & Saguy, T. (2009). Commonality and the complexity of “we”: Social attitudes and social change. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13, 3-20. (15 s.). doi:10.1177/1088868308326751  

Forsyth, D. R. (2013). Group dynamics (6. utg.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. (kap. 7, 38 s.) Det meste av boka for ?vrig er pensum p? PSYC3401

@ Paluck, E. L. & Green, D. P. (2009). Prejudice reduction: What works? A review and assessment of research and practice. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 339-367. (22 s.) doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163607 

Publisert 23. mai 2018 09:24 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2018 14:43