
Enkelte endringer i utgivelses?r kan forekomme.

Empirisk psykopatologi

Bellack, A. S., (2006): Scientific and Consumer Models of Recovery in Schizophrenia: Concordance, Contrasts, and Implications, i Schizophrenia Bulletin, vol 32, no. 3, s. 432-442.

Beidel, D. C., Frueh, B.C. & Hersen, M.,(2014): Adult Psychopathology and diagnosis. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-118-65708-9 Ed., 1-3, 5-9, 13, 17, 18 og 20.

Ed: Oldham, J.M., Skodol A. E., Bender, D. S. (2014): Textbook of personality disorders.Second edition. Washington DC.: American Psychiatric Publishing. Kap 1-9, 18 og 20.

Torgalsb?en, AK & Vaskinn, A. (2014): Diagnostisering: Norske psykologers unnlatelsesynd?, Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 51, 753-758.


Strack, Stephen: Essentials of Million Inventories Assessment, 2002. John Wiley and sons, New York.

American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), Washington DC, 2013.

World Health Organization: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and behavioral Disorders. Diagnostic criteria for research, 2003. Geneva: WHO. NB: GR?NN BOK!


Et alternativ til ? kj?pe den store DSM-5-boken kan v?re Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5 (2013). Hovedvekten i kurset vil v?re ? l?re ? bruke ICD-10.

OBS! H?ndb?kene i ICD-10 og DSM-5/Desk Reference M? medbringes i undervisningen p? starten av semesteret!

Publisert 27. apr. 2015 09:19 - Sist endret 11. aug. 2015 11:15