PSYFL5407 – The qualitative research process II

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

The course focuses on the qualitative research process (data production, analysis and result presentation), and takes the form of a series of seminars over two semesters. The topics delt with each time will be decided by the challenges the participants are facing in their projects, but the lecturers will also make sure central phenomena in the qualitative research process will be covered over the course of the year. The main focus will be on working with the analysis, and result presentation. Presentations and work with relevant texts will be part of the course.

Course structure: Three sessions of four hours each

Learning outcome


You should be able to:

  • Be familiar with different types of results/findings and different ways of presenting work in qualitative research
  • Evaluate possible consequences - including ethical - of different ways of presenting work
  • Be familiar with different approaches to the question of generalizing in qualitative methods and with different ways of evaluating quality in qualitative research


You should be able to

  • Present results in your own project in ways that are trustworthy, interesting and which relate to the knowledge situation of the given field?
  • Argue for quality and transferability of the results in your research project
  • Reflect on own personal positioning and role in the producing of own research

General skills

You should be able to

  • Evaluate and discuss own and others’ academic work in an open, critical and constructive debate

Admission to the course

This course is only for students admitted at the student research program at PSI. Contact the administration if you have problem to sign up in Studentweb.

You need to register for PSYFL5406 first. If you have completed PSYFL5406 you need to register for PSYFL5407.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

You must have taken the course PSY9250/PSYFL5405, or demonstrate the similar knowledge/experience.

Overlapping courses


The course will cover numerous choices that researchers face at the different stages of the research process, by analyzing possibilities and discussing reasoning for the different choices made. The topics for each gathering will be driven by the challenges that the participants face in their projects (planning and carrying out data production, choosing analytical approaches, developing the analysis, presentation of results in recognized outlets). The lecturers will make sure central phenomena of the qualitative process are coved over the course of PSYFL5406 and PSYFL5407. Presentation of and working with relevant text will be part of the schedule. The teaching will emphasize theoretical, methodological and personal reflexivity in the work with the PhD-project. The language of instruction will depend on the participants, meaning it will be in Norwegian if all participants understand Norwegian, otherwise it will be taught in English.

It is necessary with a minimum of 80 percent attendance to get the course approved.?If you your attendance is below this limit, it is possible to join the course in one of the following semesters.?


You will earn 3 study credits (SP/ECTS) for participating in the class included required exercises/ homework and submitting an acceptable paper with reference to the course topics.

The following exercises and requirements need to be carried out and approved before submitting the exam:

  • Submitted project description 2 weeks prior to course start. The project description should follow the set up sent out ahead of time (2-3 pages).
  • Reflection notes are to be submitted after each session, where each participant makes the topics discussed relevant to their own work (1-2 pages).
  • Active participation at the course with presentation of own project, feedback and comments to other’s project and presentations of selected articles.

Formal requirements to exam: The home exam takes the own reflection notes handed in during the course as its point of departure, and the text should mainly handle and discuss challenges with the work that still remain. Further specification of each individual’s assignment should be discussed with the course leader. The home assignment should be 4000-5000 words (+ references in APA format), 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins, font size 12 and numbered pages.

Language of examination

You can write the exam in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 23, 2025 3:43:43 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language