Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course materials are comprised of a monograph and online articles.

You can buy the required book from Akademika Blindern bookstore, or  purchase through online booksellers such as Required book can also be borrowed from the University Library (provided the item is held).

"Kopiutsalget” on the lower level of Akademika Blindern bookstore, sells course materials such as compendia. You will be required to show your UiO student ID and semester card prior to your transaction. If course material is out of stock, please contact the department asap in the semester in order for us to re-order.

To access online articles when using a computer outside the UiO, go to Easier off-campus-access



@ Simón Uribe (2017) Frontier Road. Power, History, and the Everyday State in the Colombian Amazon. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell (250 pages).

Online articles

Anthropology after Globalization

Ulf Hannerz (1987) “The World in Creolization”, Africa 57(4): 546-559.

Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson (1992) “Beyond ‘Culture’: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference”, Cultural Anthropology 7(1): 6-23.

Sidney W. Mintz (1998) “The Localization of Anthropological Practice: From Area Studies to Transnationalism”, Critique of Anthropology 18(2): 117-133.

Anna Tsing (2000) “The Global Situation”, Cultural Anthropology 15(3): 327-360.

James Ferguson (2006) “Decomposing Modernity: History and Hierarchy after Development”, in Ferguson Global Shadows, pp. 176-193. Durham: Duke University Press. eBook

Sylvia Yanagisako (2018) “Reconfiguring Labour Value and the Capital/Labour Relation in Italian Fashion”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24 (S1): 47-60.

Ethnographies of the State

Philip Abrams ([1977] 1988) “Notes on the Difficulty of Studying the State”, Journal of Historical Sociology 1(1): 58-89.

Akhil Gupta (1995) “Blurred Boundaries: The Discourse of Corruption, the Culture of Politics, and the Imagined State”, American Ethnologist 22(2): 375-402.

Akhil Gupta, David Nugent, and Shreyas Sreenath (2015) “State, Corruption, Postcoloniality: A Conversation with Akhil Gupta on the 20th Anniversary of ‘Blurred Boundaries’”, American Ethnologist 42(4): 581-591.

Christine Folch (2013) “Surveillance and State Violence in Stroessner’s Paraguay: Itaipú Hydroelectric Dam, Archive of Terror”, American Anthropologist 115(1): 44-57.

Christian Krohn-Hansen (2015) “Political Anthropology”, in James D. Wright (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. (6 pages.)

Gray Albert Abarca and Susan Bibler Coutin (2018) “Sovereign Intimacies: The Lives of Documents within US State-Noncitizen Relationships”, American Ethnologist 45(1): 7-19.

Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship

Susan McKinnon and Fenella Cannell (2013) “The Difference Kinship Makes”, in McKinnon and Cannell (eds.) Vital Relations. Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship, pp. 3-38. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research Press. eBook

Janet Carsten (2013) “Ghosts, Commensality, and Scuba Diving: Tracing Kinship and Sociality in Clinical Pathology Labs and Blood Banks in Penang”, in McKinnon and Cannell (eds.) Vital Relations. Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship, pp. 109-130. eBook

Rose Wellman (2017) “Sacralizing Kinship, Naturalizing the Nation: Blood and Food in Postrevolutionary Iran”, American Ethnologist 44(3): 503-515. LibKey

Sian Lazar (2018) “A ‘Kinship Anthropology of Politics’? Interest, the Collective Self, and Kinship in Argentine Unions”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(2): 256-274. LibKey

Anthropology and History

Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1995) “The Power in the Story”, in Trouillot Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History, pp. 1-30. Boston: Beacon Press. eBook

Chelsey Kivland (2018) “Washing Out Trump’s Mouth With Haitian History”, Anthropology News website, February 2, 2018. (6 pages).

Ann Laura Stoler (2013) “Introduction ‘The Rot Remains’: From Ruins to Ruination”, in Stoler (ed.) Imperial Debris, pp. 1-35. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

Stephan Palmié and Charles Stewart (2016) “Introduction: For an Anthropology of History”, Hau: Journal of Ethnographi Theory  6(1): 207-236. HAU

Jonah S. Rubin (2018) “How Francisco Franco Governs From Beyond The Grave: An Infrastructural Approach To Memory Politics in Contemporary Spain”, American Ethnologist 45(2): 214-227. LibKey


Published Nov. 1, 2019 3:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2019 10:12 AM