
SOSANT1131 Afrika


Howell, Signe, et al.: Fjern og n?r : sosialantropologiske perspektiver p? verdens samfunn og kulturer, 1996. Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal. Les: Kapitler om Afrika.

B?ker som m? kj?pes p? Akademika/l?nes p? biblioteket:

@ Ferguson, J.: Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order, 2006. Durham: Duke University Press.

Artikler tilgjengelig i kompendium:

Fortes, M.: "Culture contact as a dynamic process. An investigation in the northern territories of the Gold Coast" i Africa 9(1), 1936. pp. 24-56.

Turner, V.: "Communitas: model and process" i Turner, V.: The Ritual Process. Structure and Anti-Structure, 1995. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. pp. 131-165.

Gluckman, M.: "Analysis of a social situation in modern Zululand" i Bantu Studies., 1958. Rhodes-Livingstone Papers 28. pp. 147-174.

Comaroff, J. and J. L. Comaroff: "Occult economies and the violence of abstraction: notes from the South African postcolony" i American Ethnologist 26(2), 1999. pp. 279-303.

De Boeck, F.: "Beyond the grave: History, memory and death in postcolonial Congo/Za?re" i R. Werbner: Memory and the postcolony. African anthropology and the critique of power, 1998. London, Zed Books. pp. 21-57.

Prince, R. J.: "Salvation and Tradition: Configurations of Faith in a Time of Death" i Journal of Religion in Africa 37, 2007. pp. 84-115.

Donovan, M.: "Capturing the land. Kipsigis narratives of progress" i Comparative Studies in Society and History 38(4), 1996. pp. 658-686.

Ciekawy, Diane and Peter Geschiere: "Containing Withccraft: Conflicting Scenarios in Postcolonial Africa" i African Studies Review, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1998. pp. 1-14.

Fairhead, J., M. Leach et al.: "Where techno-science meets poverty: medical research and the economy of blood in the Gambia, West Africa" i Social Science and Medicine 63, 2006. pp. 1109-1120.

Masquelier, A.: "Behind the Dispensary's Prosperous Fa?ade: Imagining the State in Rural Niger" i Public Culture 13(2), 2001. pp. 267-291.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 9:11 PM - Last modified June 15, 2007 11:39 AM