B?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes p? biblioteket:
Wikan, Unni: Medmennesker: 35 ?r i Kairos bakgater, 2004. Oslo: Pax. 368 sider, men skriften er stor og det er mange bilder .
Afkhami, Mahnaz (red): Faith and Freedom: Women?s Human Rights in the Muslim World. , 1995. London: I.B. Tauris.
Av denne boka leses f?lgende kapitteler:
An-Na?im, Abdullahi : "The Dichotomy Between Religious and Secular Discourse in Islamic Societies" , Sidene 51-60.
Doumato, Eleanor Abdella: "The Ambiguity of Shari?a and the Politics of ?Rights? in Saudi Arabia", Sidene 135-160.
Mernissi, Fatima: "Arab Women?s Rights and the Muslim State in the Twenty-first Century: Reflections on Islam as Religion and State" , Sidene 33-50.
Shabaan, Bouhaina : "The Muted Voices of Women Interpreters" , Sidene 61-77.