Syllabus/achievement requirements Autumn 2018

The syllabus is comprised of books, articles in Readers and online articles.

Required books are purchased at Akademika bookstore or ordered from online booksellers, such as Required books are also available at the University Library (provided the item is held).

Compendia can be purchased at the “Kopiutsalget” on the lower floor of Akademika bookstore. Valid student ID and semester card must be presented on purchasing compendia. If “Kopiutsalget” has sold out of a compendium please contact the department as early as possible in the semester in order that more may be obtained.

Many of the online articles require that you use a computer within the university network. If outside the university network, open your web browser and go to UiO Network services


@ Hann, Chris and Keith Hart (2011): Economic anthropology. Cambridge: Polity; 1 edition (March 28, 2011). Paperback: 208 pages.

@ Holmes, Seth M. (2013): Fresh Fruit; Broken Bodies. Migrant Farmworkers in the United States. Oakland: University of California Press. Pages: 202

Articles in Readers / Compendia

Barth, Fredrik: “Economic Spheres in Darfur”, pp 149-174 in R. Firth (ed.) Themes in Economic Anthropology. ASA monographs 6. London Tavistock Publications, 1967 (20 pages). 

Bloch, Maurice and Jonathan Parry: "Introduction: Money and the Morality of Exchange", pp 455-487 in Thomas Hylland Eriksen (ed.):  Sosialantropologiske grunntekster. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal, 1996 (33 pages).

Dolan, Catherine): "Arbitrating risk through moral values: the case of Kenyan fairtrade", pp. 271-296 in Geert De Neve, Luetchford Peter, Jeffrey Pratt, Donald C. Wood (ed.) Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 28. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2008 (25 pages).

Friedman, Milton, and Rose Friedman. “The Power of the Market”, pp. 9-37 in Free to Choose: A Personal Statement. San Diego: Mariner Books, 1990 [1980] (28 pages).

Graeber, David. “The Myth of Barter”, pp 21-41 in Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Reprint edition. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House, 2012 (20 pages).

Harvey, David. “Freedom’s just another Word…” pp 5-39 (chapter one) of A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 (34 pages).

Kopytoff, Igor: "The Cultural Biography of Things", pp 64-91 in (ed.) A. Appadurai: The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986 (28 pages).

Lien, Marianne: “Between market exchange and friendly favour: An ethnographic Study of advertising exchange”. Sosiologi i dag, 1998, 4: 43-61 (18 pages). 

Malinowski, Bronislaw: "The Essentials of the Kula" pp 81-104 in B. Malinowski: Argonauts of the Western Pacific. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1961[1922]  (24 pages).

Mauss, Marcel: Chapter 1 (pp 10-23 and 112-123) and Chapter 4 (pp 83-107) of The Gift. The form and reason for exchange in archaic societies. London/New York: Routledge classics, 2002 [1950].

Meyer, Birgit: "Commodities and the Power of Prayer: Pentecostalist Attitudes towards Consumption in Contemporary Ghana" pp 247-267 in (ed.) Xavier J. and R. Rosaldo: The Anthropology of Globalization, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2002 (24 pages).

Online articles

Appel, Hannah (2012) "Offshore work: Oil, modularity, and the how of capitalism in Eqatorial Guinea", American Ethnologist, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2012, pp. 692–709 (17 pages).

Caldeira, Teresa: "Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation", Public Culture, 8 (2), 1966, pp 303-328 (25 pages). 

Ferguson, James: "Declarations of dependence; Labour, welfare and personhood in Southern Africa", JRAI, 19, 2013, pp 223-242 (19 pages).

Ferry, Elizabeth. 2005. Geologies of power: Value transformations of mineral specimens from Guanajuato, Mexico. American Ethnologist, Vol, 32 (3):420-436.

Geissler, P. W.: "Transport to where?'", Journal of Cultural Economy, 4: 1, 2011, pp 45- 64. Taylor & Francis online

Gregory, C. 1982. "The Competing Theories" (chapter one) of Gifts and Commodities. London. Academic Press. 14 pages. HAU-books

Ho, Karen 2010. "Finance", in Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Ed. Barnard, Alan, and Jonathan Spencer, eds. Routledge. Google, 5 pages.

Hutchinson, Sharon. “The Cattle of Money and the Cattle of Girls among the Nuer, 1930-83.” American Ethnologist,,19 (2), 1992, pp 294–316 (22 pages).

Mills, Mary Beth: "Contesting the Margins of Modernity: Women, Migration, and Consumption in Thailand", American Ethnologist, 24(1),1997, pp 37-61 (25 pages).

Ong, Aihwa 1988. "The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia", American Ethnologist 15 (1) 28-41 (14 pages).

Polanyi, Karl (1944 [2001]: The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon Press: Kap. 4, 5 og 6. online versjon av boka

Schober, Elisabeth: "Between a rock and a stormy Place: From overheating to expulsion in Subic Bay (Philippines)", Ethnos, 21, 2016, pp 1-15 (15 pages).

Taussig, M. 1980. "The Devil and Commodity Fetishism" (chapter two) of The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America. Chapel Hill. University of North Carolina Press. 27 kap

Tsing, Anna: "Sorting out commodities. How capitalist value is made through gifts", HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2013, 3(1):21-43. HAU

Zaloom, Caitlin: "The Productive Life of Risk", Cultural Anthropology, 2004, 19 (3) 365-391 (26 sider).

Additional readings: upload pdf

Published Apr. 17, 2018 2:56 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:20 PM