
SOSANT2210: Multikulturalisme og identitetspolitikk

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Bok som m? leses

@ Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Ethnicity & Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives, 2002. KJ?P 2. ELLER 3. UTGAVE. London: Pluto Press. (179 s).

Valgfri monografi, velg en av fire

@ Jenkins, Richard: Being Danish. Paradoxes of Identity in Everyday Life., 2011. Museum Tusculanum Press. Paperback 355 sider.

@ Lazar, Sian: El Alto, Rebel City; Self and Citizenship in Andean Bolivia, 2008. Durham and London: Duke University Press. Paperback 344 sider.

@ Wade, Peter: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America, 2010. Pluto Press. Paperback 160 sider.

@ Yurchak, Alexej: Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation, 2005. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Paperback 352 sider..

Artikler online

Fuglerud, ?ivind and Ada Engebrigtsen: "Culture, networks and social capital: Tamil and Somali immigrants in Norway" i Ethnic and Racial Studies 29(6), 2006. Sidene 1118–1134 (16 sider). PDF-FIL

Geertz, Clifford: "What is a State if it is not a Sovereign? Reflections on Politics in Complicated Places" i Current Anthropology, 45(5), 2004. Sidene 577-593. PDF-FIL

Harrison, Simon: "Identity as a scarce resource" i Social Anthropology, 7(3), 1999. Sidene 239-251 (13 sider). PDF-FIL

Jacobsen, Christine M. and Mette Andersson: "'Gaza in Oslo’: Social imaginaries in the political engagement of Norwegian minority youth" i Ethnicities, 12(6), 2012. Sidene 1-23. MERKNAD: DETTE ER DEN SISTE VERSJONEN. PDF-FIL

Keane, Webb: "Freedom and Blasphemy: On Indonesian Press Bans and Danish Cartoons" i Public Culture, 21(1), 2009. Sidene 47–75. PDF-FIL

Malkki, Liisa: "National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees" i Cultural Anthropology, 7(1), 1992. Sidene 24-44 (21 sider). PDF-FIl

Schiller, Nina Glick, Ayse ?aglar og Thaddeus C. Gulbrandsen: "Beyond the ethnic lens: Locality, globality, and born-again incorporation" i American Ethnologist, 33(4), 2006. Sidene 612–633 (21 sider). PDF-FIL

Taylor, Charles: "The Politics of Recognition" i C. Taylor et al. : Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition, 1992. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Sidene 25–74. PDF-FIL

Vertovec, Steven and Susanne Wessendorf: Assessing the backlash against multi culturalism in Europe, 2009. G?ttingen: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, MMG Working Paper 09-04. LAST OPP PDF-FIL.

Artikler i kompendium

Baumann, Gerd: "Chapters 5, 6 and 7" i Baumann, Gerd: The Multicultural Riddle, 1999. London: Routledge. Sidene 57-96.

Billig, Michael: "Rembembering Banal Nationalism" i Michael Billig (ed.): Banal Nationalism , 1995. London: Sage. Sidene 37–59 og 178-192.

Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff: "Prologue" i Comaroff, J. & J. Comaroff (eds.): Ethnicity, Inc, 2009. University of Chicago Press. Sidene 1-6.

Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff: "Three or Four Things about Ethno-futures" i Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff (eds.): Ethnicity, Inc, 2009. University of Chicago Press. Sidene 6-21.

Friedman, Jonathan: "Globalization, Dis-integration, Re-organization. The Transformation of Violence" i J. Friedman (ed.): Globalization, the State, and Violence., 2003. Walnut Creek, CA. Sidene 1–34 (34 sider).

Geschiere, P. & Nyamnjoh, F.: "Capitalism and Autochtony: The Seesaw of Mobility and Belonging" i Public Culture, 12(2), 2002. Sidene 423-452 (29 sider).

Jenkins, Richard: "Inarticulate speech of the heart: Nation, flag and emotion in Denmark" i Eriksen, T.H. and R. Jenkins (eds): Flag, Nation and Symbolism in Europe and America, 2007. London: Routledge. Sidene 115-135.

Kertzer, David I. and Dominique Arel: "Censuses, identity formation, and the struggle for political power" i Kertzer & Arel (eds.): Census and Identity: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses, 2002 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 1-42 (42 sider).

MacClancy, Jeremy: "At Play with Identity in the Basque Arena" i Sharon Macdonald (ed.): Inside European Identities: Ethnography in Western Europe , 1993. Providence: Berg. Sidene 84-97 (14 sider).

Silverstein, Paul A: "Kabyle immigrant politics and racialized citizenship in France" i Deborah Reed-Danahay and C. B. Brettell (eds.): Citizenship, Political Engagement and Belonging, 2008. Rutgers University Press. Sidene 23-42.

Tambiah, Stanley J.: "The Politics of Ethnicity" i R. Borofsky (ed.): Assessing Cultural Anthropology, 1994. New York: McGraw-Hill. Sidene 430-442 (13 sider).

Published Oct. 3, 2012 3:39 PM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2012 2:09 PM