Multiculturalism and the politics of Identity (Sosant 2210)
Syllabus is comprised of books, articles in Readers and online articles.
Required books are purchased at Akademika bookstore or ordered from online booksellers, such as Required books are also available at the University Library(limited stock).
Compendium (articles in readers) is purchased at Kopiutsalget (groundfloor Akademika). Remember to bring your semester-card.
Required book
@ Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Ethnicity & Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives, 3rd edition 2010. London: Pluto Press. (179 pages).
Required: choose one of these four books
@ Jenkins, Richard: Being Danish. Paradoxes of Identity in Everyday Life., 2011. Museum Tusculanum Press. (Paperback 355 pages).
@ Khan, Aisha (2004): Callaloo Nation: Metaphors of Race and Religious Identity among South Asians in Trinidad. Duke University Press, 280 pages. Available as Paperback
@ Lazar, Sian: El Alto, Rebel City; Self and Citizenship in Andean Bolivia, 2008. Durham and London: Duke University Press. (Paperback 344 pages).
@ MacClancy, Jeremy (2008) [2007]: Expressing Identities in the Basque World. London: James Currey, 224 pages. Available as Paperback
Online articles
Fuglerud, ?ivind and Ada Engebrigtsen: "Culture, networks and social capital: Tamil and Somali immigrants in Norway", Ethnic and Racial Studies 29(6), 2006. Page 1118–1134. Taylor & Francis online
Geertz, Clifford: "What is a State if it is not a Sovereign? Reflections on Politics in Complicated Places" in Current Anthropology, 45(5), 2004. Page 577-593.
Harrison, Simon: "Identity as a scarce resource", Social Anthropology, 7(3), 1999. Page 239-251.
Jacobsen, Christine M. and Mette Andersson: "'Gaza in Oslo’: Social imaginaries in the political engagement of Norwegian minority youth", Ethnicities, 12(6), 2012. Page 1-23.
Jenkins, Richard: "Imagined but Not Imaginary: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Modern World", in Jeremy MacClancy (ed): Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines, 2002. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Page 114-128. online
Keane, Webb: "Freedom and Blasphemy: On Indonesian Press Bans and Danish Cartoons", Public Culture, 21(1), 2009. Page 47–75.
Malkki, Liisa: "National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees", Cultural Anthropology, 7(1), 1992. Page 24-44.
Schiller, Nina Glick, Ayse ?aglar og Thaddeus C. Gulbrandsen: "Beyond the ethnic lens: Locality, globality, and born-again incorporation", American Ethnologist, 33(4), 2006. Page 612–633.
Taylor, Charles: "The Politics of Recognition", in C. Taylor et al.: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition, 1992. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Page 25–74.
Vertovec, Steven and Susanne Wessendorf: Assessing the backlash against multi culturalism in Europe, 2009. G?ttingen: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, MMG Working Paper 09-04.
Articles in readers / compendium
Baumann, Gerd: "Chapters 5, 6 and 7" in Baumann, Gerd: The Multicultural Riddle, 1999. London: Routledge. Page 57-96.
Billig, Michael: "Rembembering Banal Nationalism", chapter in Michael Billig (ed.): Banal Nationalism , 1995. London: Sage. Page 37–59 and page 178-192.
Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff: "Prologue" i Comaroff, J. & J. Comaroff (eds.): Ethnicity, Inc, 2009. University of Chicago Press. Page 1-6.
Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff: "Three or Four Things about Ethno-futures", chapter in Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff (eds.): Ethnicity, Inc, 2009. University of Chicago Press. Page 6-21.
Friedman, Jonathan: "Globalization, Dis-integration, Re-organization. The Transformation of Violence", chapter in J. Friedman (ed.): Globalization, the State, and Violence., 2003. Walnut Creek, CA. Page 1–34..
Geschiere, P. & Nyamnjoh, F.: "Capitalism and Autochtony: The Seesaw of Mobility and Belonging", chapter in Public Culture, 12(2), 2000. Page 423-452.
Jenkins, Richard: "Inarticulate speech of the heart: Nation, flag and emotion in Denmark", Chapter in Eriksen, T.H. and R. Jenkins (eds): Flag, Nation and Symbolism in Europe and America, 2007. London: Routledge. Page 115-135.
Kertzer, David I. and Dominique Arel: "Censuses, identity formation, and the struggle for political power", Chapter in Kertzer & Arel (eds.): Census and Identity: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses, 2002 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Page 1-42.
MacClancy, Jeremy: "At Play with Identity in the Basque Arena", Chapter in Sharon Macdonald (ed.): Inside European Identities: Ethnography in Western Europe , 1993. Providence: Berg. Page 84-97.
Silverstein, Paul A: "Kabyle immigrant politics and racialized citizenship in France", Chapter in Deborah Reed-Danahay and C. B. Brettell (eds.): Citizenship, Political Engagement and Belonging, 2008. Rutgers University Press. Page 23-42.
Tambiah, Stanley J.: "The Politics of Ethnicity", Chapter in R. Borofsky (ed.): Assessing Cultural Anthropology, 1994. New York: McGraw-Hill. Page 430-442.