Syllabus/achievement requirements

SOSANT2250 Anthropological Percpectives on Norway and the Nordic Countries

Book bought at Gnist Akademika or borrowed at the library

@S?rensen, ?. and Str?th, B.: The Cultural Construction of Norden. , Oslo: Scandinavian University Press . (327 pages).

Compendium bought at Kopiutsalget

Berkaak, O.A. : "A Place in the Sun. Vernacular Landscape as Olympic Venue."in Klausen, A.M. (red.) Olympic Games as Performance and Public Event, 1999. London: Berghan Books . pp. 137-172 (19 pages).

Barnes, J. A. : Class and Committees in a Norwegian Island Parish, 1954. London:Human Resources Vol 7. pp. 39 -58 (20 pages).

Brox, O. : "Three Types of North Norwegian Entrepreneurship."iIn Barth, F. (ed.). The Role of the Entrepreneur in Sosial Change in Northern Norway , 1972. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget . pp.19 ? 32 (14 pages).

Eidheim, H. : Stages in the Development of Sami Selfhood. Working Paper no.7 , 1992. University of Oslo: Department of Social Anthropology . pp. 1-36 (36 sider).

Gaffin, D. : Landscape, Personhood, and Culture: Names of Places and People In the Faeroe Islands, 1993. Ethnos vol. 58: I-II . pp. 53- 72 (20 pages).

Gullestad, M. : Who Fits With Whom? In: Kitchen?Table Society. , 2001. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget . pp.72-96 (25 pages).

Gullestad, M : ?Imagined Sameness: Shifting Notions of ?Us? and ?Them? in Norway? in Line A. Ytrehus (red) Forestillinger om ?Den andre? Images of Otherness, 2001. H?yskoleforlaget, Norwegian Academic Press . pp. 32 ? 57 (26 pages).

Gullestad, M. : ?Home, local community and nation: connections of national identity? , 1997. Focaal no 30/31. pp 39 ? 60 (22 pages).

Hylland Eriksen, T. : "Being Norwegian in a Shrinking World. Reflections on Norwegian Identity." In: Kiel, A.C. (ed.). Continuity and Change: Aspects of Contemporary Norway, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press . pp.11 ? 37 (27 pages).

Nordstr?m, B.J.: "Nationalism." In: Scandinavia Since 1500. , 2000. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press . pp186 ? 213 (27 pages).

Lien, M.: ?Fame and the Ordinary: ?Authentic? Construction Of Convenience Foods? In T. deWaal Malefyt and B. Moeran(eds) Advertising Cultures, 2003. Oxford and New York : Berg . pp. 165-185 (21 pages).

L?fgren, O. : "Deconstructing Swedishness: Culture and Class in Modern Sweden" In: Jackson, A. (ed.). Anthropology at Home, 1987. London: Tavistock. pp.74 ? 93 (18 pages).

Pálsson, G. og Helgason, H. : "The Politics of Production: Enclosure, Equity, and Efficiency." In: Pálsson, G. og Durrenberger, P. Images of Contemporary Iceland. Everyday Lives and Global Contexts, 1996. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press . pp. 60 - 84 (25 pages).

Park, G. : "Peasant Radicals, Frozen Enlightenment." In: The Marke of Power. Helgeland and the Politics of Omnipotence, 1998. St. John?s: Institute and Social and Economic Research . pp.63 -93 (31 pages).

Solheim, J. : "Shelter from the Storm." In: Borchgrevink, T. and Holter, ?.G. (eds.) Labour of Love. Beyond the Self-Evidence of Everyday Life., 1995. London: Avebury . pp.45- 69 (25 pages).

Zetterberg, H. L. : " The Rational Humanitarians." In: Graubard, S. R.. Norden ? The Passion for Equality, 1986. Oslo: Norwegian University Press . pp 79 -96 (18 pages).

Vike, H. : "Culminations of Complexity." In: Anthropological Theory Vol. 2(1), 2002. London: Sage Publications. pp. 57 ? 75 (19 pages).

?sterg?rd, U. : "Peasants and Danes: The Danish National Identity and Political Culture." In: Comparative Studies in Society and History Vol 34 (1), 1992. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press. pp. 3 ? 27 (25 pages) .

Published May 3, 2004 3:21 PM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2004 3:29 PM