Syllabus/achievement requirements Spring 2019

Syllabus is comprised of books, Compendium (a compilation of texts) and online articles.

Required books can be borrowed from the University Library (provide the item is held). Some books are available in E-book format. Books can be purchased from the local bookstore Akademika Blindern or ordered from online booksellers, such as

Compendium has to be purchased from “Kopiutsalget”, the department on the lower floor of Akademika bookstore. Valid student ID and semester card must be presented upon the purchase. If “Kopiutsalget” has sold out of a compendium, please contact the department as early as possible in the semester in order that more may be obtained.

Many of the online articles/books require that you use a computer within the university network. When not connected to the UiO network, go to Easier off-campus access


@ Ramberg, Lucinda. 2014. Given to the Goddess. South Indian Devadasis and the Sexuality of Religion. Durham: Duke University Press, 282 pages. Format: Hardcover and E-BOOK UiO Library. 

@ Yanagisako, Sylvia J.: Producing Culture and Capital: Family Firms in Italy, 2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 200 pages.

Compendium (a compilation of texts)

Archetti, Eduardo P. 1999. "Masculine National Virtues and Moralities in Football", Chapter in Eduoardo Archetti Masculinities. Football, Polo and the Tango in Argentina. Oxford: Berg, pp 161 - 179 (18 pages).

Bordo, Susan R. 1989. “The Body and the Reproduction of Feminity: A feminist appropriation of Foucualt” in Alison M. Jagger and Susan A. Bordo (eds): Gender/Body/ Knowledge. Feminist Reconstructions of Being and Knowing.  Rutgers University Press. Pp 13 – 33 (20 pages). CHECK CANVAS FOR REFERENCES

Schneider, David. 1984. “The fundamental assumption in the study of kinship: ‘Blood is thicker than water.’” In David Schneider. A critique of the study of kinship. Pp. 165-177 (12 pages).

Strathern, Marilyn. 1999. “Divisions of Interests and Languages of ownership.” In Marilyn Strathern. Property, Substance and effect. Pp. 138-160 (22 pages).

Yanagisako, Sylvia and Jane Collier. 1987. “Toward a Unified Analysis of Gender and Kinship”, pp 14 – 52 (38 pages) in Jane Collier and  Sylvia Yanagisako (eds.): Gender and Kinship. Essays Toward a Unified Analysis. Stanford: Stanford University Press..

Online articles

Agustin, Laura. 2005.  “Migrants in the Mistress’s House: Other Voices in the ‘Trafficking’ Debate”, Social Politics, Spring 2005, 12(1): 96-117. oria

Carsten, Janet. 2004. “Introduction: After Kinship”, pp 1 – 30; (29 pages) and “Gender, Bodies and Kinship”,  pp 57 – 83 (26 pages)  in After Kinship, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. E-book UiO Library 

Delaney, Carol. 2001. “Cutting the Ties that Bind: The Sacrifice of Abraham and Patriarchal Kinship”, pp 445 -467 (22 pages) in Sarah Franklin and Susan McKinnon (eds.): Relative Values. Reconfiguring Kinship Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. E-book UiO-library

Eriksen, Annelin. 2016. "The virtuous woman and the holy nation: Femininity in the context of Pentecostal Christianity in Vanuatu" in The Austrialian Journal of Anthropology 27, 260 - 275 (15 pages). UiO-library

Kahn, Susan M. 2002. “Rabbis and Reproduction: The Uses of New Reproductive Technologies among Ultraorthodox Jews in Israel”, pp 283 – 298 (15 pages) in Marcia Inhorn and Frank van Balen (eds.): Infertility Around the Globe. New thinking on childlessness, gender, and reproductive Technologies. University of California Press. E-book UiO-library

McKinnon, Susan and Fenella Cannell. 2013. “The Difference Kinship Makes", pp 3.-39 (36 pages) in McKinnon Susan and Fenella Cannell (eds.): Vital Relations. Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship. Santa Fe:  School for Advanced Research Press. eBOOK UiO-library

Kulick, Don. 1997. “Gender of the Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes” in American Anthropologist 99 (3): 574 – 585. (11 pages).

Laqueur, Thomas. 1986. Orgasm, generation, and the politics of reproductive biology. Representations 14. Pp. 1-41 (41 pages).

Melhuus, Marit. 2011.  “Cyber-Stork Children and the Norwegian Biotechnology Act:  Regulating Procreative Practice”, pp  51 – 70 (19 pages). in A. Hellum, S. Sardar and A. Griffiths (eds):  From Transantional Relations to Transnational Laws.  Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. E-book UiO Library

Rivière, Peter. 1985.  “Unscrambling parenthood.  The Warnock Report” in Anthropology Today, 1 (4): 2- 7 (5 pages).

Rubin, Gayle. 1975. "The traffic in women: notes on the political economy of sex" in Rayna R. Reiter (ed): Toward an Anthropology of Women. New York: Monthly Review Press, pp.157-210. (53 pages).  CHECK CANVAS FOR REFERENCES

Shever, Elena. 2013 “‘I am a Petroleum Product’: Making Kinship Work on the Patagonian Frontier”, pp 85-108 (23 pages) in McKinnon Susan and Fenella Cannell (eds.): Vital Relations. Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press. eBOOK UiO-library

Simpson, Bob. 2001. “Making ‘bad’ deaths ‘good’: the kinship consequences of posthumous conception” in Journal of the Anthropological Institute 7 (1): 1 – 18. (17 pages).

Simpson, Bob. 2006.  “Scrambling Parenthood: English Kinship and the Prohibited Degrees of Affinity” in Anthropology Today 22 (3): 3 – 6.  (3 pages).

Stone, Linda. 1997: ”Gender, Reproduction, and Kinship”, pp 1 -20. (19 pages) in Kinship and Gender. An Introduction. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. oria

Wilson, Ara.  2010. "Post-Fordist Desires: The Commodity Aesthetics of Bangkok Sex Shows" in Feminist Legal Studies 18 (1): 53 – 67 (14 pages). oria

Further recommended reading (not obligatory)

Gutman, Matthew C.  1996.  The Meanings of Macho.  Being a man in Mexico City.  Berkely: University of Califronia Press. (330 pages)

Inhorn, Marica. 2012. The New Arab Man:  Emergent Masculinities, Technologies, and Islam in the Middle East.

Published Nov. 6, 2018 12:39 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2019 3:21 PM